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Analysis English 102: Black Lives Matter Is Democracy in Action

Essay Instructions:

Essay #1: Editorial AnalysisEnglish 102 – Spring2018
Writing Assignment:Select a current editorial (argumentative essay) or an in-depth news column on a controversial issue that interests you, and write a 1000-1200 word editorial analysis essay in which you discuss a cogent, analytical thesis. Your purpose with this assignment is to analyze the editorial, explaining to an audience how all of the editorial’s pieces fit together in order to make a point or persuade a reader. Do not try to discuss everything. Instead, concentrate on constructing a precise, focused argument. Remember, you are not offering your opinion; you are offering an argument.
Your audience is our class and me, your instructor. Do not merely summarize the editorial. Argue your assertions by supporting them with your reasoning and direct quotes from the editorial.
The essay should have a strong thesis statement, and a clear structure. Your thesis statement should state explicitly what you are going to examine and why an analysis of what you have chosen to examine is important in the understanding of the text. You will need to demonstrate your thoughts, using specific details/evidence to support your thesis and develop your points. Use Modern Language Association (MLA) in-text citation and work cited entry (see Easy Writer pp. 212-254). This analysis should be based on your own personal interpretation of the editorial. Do not use secondary sources for this assignment. Your Work Cited page should have only one source on it: the primary source. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Editorial analysis (argument)
An editorial entitled " Black Lives Matter Is Democracy in Action" written by Barbara Ransby and published by the New York Times on October 21, 2017, provides an in-depth analysis as to why the current generation of black activists are not charismatic and messiah-like figures. The editor cites example of leaders like Rev.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X who led major movements during the struggle for equality (Ransby 2).
The editorial delves to justify lack of charismatic leadership and messiah-like leadership, referring to The Movement for Black Lives as a new model of social movements. The editorial reviews why not having such leaders in the 21st century is not a deficiency but a choice made by movements to abandon old style leadership (Ransby 2). The fact that such organizations have rejected the old leadership style makes these movements more powerful.
Unlike old style of leadership, modern social movements like The Movement for Black Lives cultivates skilled local organizers to address many issues beyond police brutality, causing radical democratic actions (Ransby 6).
As a result, Ransby concludes that The Movement for Black Lives is distinct since it engages local communities, including other affiliates without dictating the movement from above; this is what the editor refers to as a radical democracy in action (Ransby 4). This new movement with democratic inflection pays off if the movement perseveres because of the nature of the relationship between its members and the organization (Ransby 5). The brick to brick relationship is what enhances resistance. The national leadership acts as mortar between the bricks to empower the local communities. Such leadership is necessary since it becomes the training ground and haven for future political battles ahead when fighting white supremacist that undermines racial and economic justice (Ransby 6).
The main focus of the entire editorial is the radical democratic actions by The Movement for Black Lives, a coalition established to respond to the police shooting of black people. The movement has reinvigorated the 21st-century racial justice movement, making it a better model of social movements (Ransby 6).
According to Barbara, the new model ideas includes articulating problems and coming up with answers in consultation with its affiliate members as a strategy to meet the real needs of the local people. This explains why the movement is sustainable; people can easily implement solutions they are involved in creating instead of those that are handed down by their top leaders which seems to be unfamiliar with their needs (Ransby 2).
This premise justifies why The Movement for Black Lives is a better model for social movements. The movement works with the local people to empower them to take ownership of their political struggle instead of waiting for a leader to follow (Ransby 6). The initial premise in the editorial argument is to weigh the old fashion style of leadership and the new model and justify their effects (Ransby 6).
The editor concludes that the top down and male-centered, charismatic leadership model is not sustaina...
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