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Being There and Barn Burning

Essay Instructions:
Being There is similar to \"Barn Burning\" in that the endings of the films are not the same as they are in the novel and in the short story. Little has been written about \"Barn Burning\" the film, but there is a substantial body of criticism devoted to Being There, both novel and film. Since this is the case, your paper should be an excersie in research. Final several interpretations of the ending of the film Being There, compare them, and devise a thesis based on your findings. As you will see, the film\'s ending is not merely unusual but is actually rather shocking. If you find that the critics interpret the film\'s ending in basically the same way, then you need to acknowledge that. If there is a diversity of interpretations, then briefly summarize each one.
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Barn burning and Being there
Being there has been regarded as a comedy-drama film within America which was developed within the year 1979. The ending portrayed about the film varies from the short story as well as the novel and therefore a variety of interpretations have been generated about the film (Wojcik 7). The story is about an individual known as Chance who was a gardener and ended up in the home of Rand, a United States president’s advisor, and was perceived as an intelligent person within the family. As a result of the high respect which was accorded to Chance by Rand, he was indicated within Rand’s will so as to benefit from his wealth. The film’s final scene shows Chance walking upon water within a lake (Wojcik 7). This provides a fanciful element to the film hence generating a debate to viewers, seeking interpretations and wondering about the meaning of the story which is fable-like. Some individuals interpret the ending as departure of Chance to find out a new beginning.
Within another interpretation, chance is seen by audience physically walking upon water. He suddenly stops, tests the water intensity, turns and keeps on walking upon water at the same time as the quote by rand “life is perceived as a mind’s state” is said by president who was still eulogizing (Wojcik 8). The experienced occurrence and the voiced quote steered audience to make the interpretation that the actions which chance involved in revealed his mind’s state. Although Chance was re...
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