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A Beautiful Mind is a December 2001 Film Review Assignment

Essay Instructions:

I want to order this essay on the beautiful mind movie of Jonh Nash on Monday at 10;00 am
Value in Course—10%
To be submitted in class: 7 November 2016
***Write an essay on the following topic in about 700-800 words (double spaced)
Q. Professor John Nash’s determination to achieve his dream is a long journey of struggle. How does he cope with social, marital and psychological pressures in his life to pursue what he calls his ‘original idea?’
***Essay Grading
- Sentence structure, word choice, logical connections.
- Proof read and edit.
- Having one or two key ideas that you develop in the essay. Or, using 3-5 smaller points that lead towards one key idea.
2. Relevance (concept and ideas):
- Address the specific question/topic 
- Demonstrate an understanding of key ideas associated with the course
- Use, apply, or assess relevant course ideas
3. Insight:
- “Value added”
- Conclusion and synthesis
- What kinds of connections/relationships among the key ideas do you draw

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Beautiful Mind
The film A Beautiful Mind is a December 2001 film that was produced by Ron Howard. The movie tries to recreate the story of Schizophrenic survivor and Nobel Laureate in Economics John Nash. Unlike other movies that only focus on a person’s achievements, A Beautiful Mind focused on the challenges that plagued the life of John Nash while in his pursuit of an “original idea.” Nash’s life was not normal and thus he felt and was made to feel like he did not fit in the society. The society is always in the habit of dictating how people live as well as how people relate to each other by setting ground rules. The implication of the above is that people like Nash are often made to feel like outsiders and thus must find ways to conform. Professor John Nash was driven by his determination to achieve his dreams, but with the obvious challenges in his life, his journey became longer. In this article, the author will explore Professor Nash’s long journey of struggle to pursue his “original idea” against the backdrops of marital, social, and psychological pressures.
Nash was academically gifted, and while still young, he was offered the opportunity to join Princeton University to study economics. However, despite being academically gifted, one notices that Nash is unable and finds it difficult comprehending or forming social relationships with other people particularly women. For example, while he was at the local bar he failed to initiate and maintain a conversation with the ladies. As expected, Nash felt embarrassed mainly because his friends were with him and he had wilted before them. On this occasion, Nash admits to himself and his imaginary friend Charles that he is only good with numbers and not people and he thus resorts to pursuing his “original idea.”
The socially demanding community at the University also presented a problem to the ever socially misaligned Nash. It was informally a requirement that male students be involved romantically with their female counterparts, and this presented a significant challenge to Nash. On a scene in the film, Nash was coldly rejected by a lady he approached at the bar, and this forced him to resort to his usual nerdy self. This rejection coupled with the obvious fact that he could not fit within the regular social gatherings made him decide to focus his attention on his original idea, and while doing this, he even develops the governing dynamics concept. Nash channeled his anger at his social failure on his studies and thus managed to focus his energy on his ideas.
Even though Nash was socially challenged, he eventually fell in love and got married to Alicia Lard...
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