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Differences Between Play and Film Adaption in Macbeth

Essay Instructions:

Watch this 2009 film adaptation of Macbeth, starring Patrick Stewart and Kate Fleetwood available for free on PBS online.
Write a paper describing/analyzing two main differences you notice from page to the screen including edits/changes in story, or text and/or changes in period/setting/casting/style. Do you think the changes in the film version you identified were an improvement or did they weaken the play? And if so, how?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Differences between play and film adaption in Macbeth
The adaptation of a book to film always tends to come with its own set of differences that will some of the times be showing. One of the cases, it is common to note that the changes that the director has made to the scripts almost change the meaning that the book intended in some of the parts. Some of the times the adaptation will have the same approach as the book making it the perfect symphony. However, the latter is rarely the case as most of the time the directors of the film adaptation of a book will have a different approach (PBS). This is the case, even when it comes to plays, which would be considered a little straight forward. In the case of the play by William Shakespeare, Macbeth, first performed in the year 1606, there are some significant changes between what is part of the play and what is part of the film adaptation that was done later on (Howard).
To start with, Macbeth is a play that was written by Shakespeare and was later on performed for the first time in the year 1606. This is a play that basically relates to the theme of people seeking power for the sake of being powerful, other than assisting the people with their new found status and abilities that come with power (Wade). As such the play illustrates the self-destructive approach of power for its own gain. The impacts that are shown in the play are both psychological and physical. In the play, Shakespeare features a Scottish general, who is tricked into believing that some of the witches that have been trying to prophecy on his life have had a breakthrough and they have some very good news (PBS). Apparently, the witches have foreseen that the general will one of the days become the ruler of all of Scotland. His wife further pushes his to believe that he should take action after all this is what he was meant to be. From the prophesy of the witches and the pressure from his wife to act on his new found destiny, the general kills the king and rises to power. From this point on the plays shows the life of the general spiral out of control and lead on a self-destructive path (Wade). When he rises to power as the new king of Scotland, he quickly realizes that he did not do the right thing by taking away the power from the king. From his guilt conscience, he starts securing his reign by using murders that worked to protect his kingdom. In a bid to protect himself and the kingdom, he finds himself causing a bloodbath (Howard). This them leads to civil unrests and the then slowly lead to the death of the general and his wife. A closer review of the film that was done by Roman Polanski, which was then produced in the year 1970, shows some significant changes between what was initially included in the plays scripts and what was included in the film script (PBS).
One of the main differences that can be established between the play and the film is the fact that, the scene in England is missing from the film (mrhoward12). This is a rather lengthy and drawn section of the play, which in the film is avoided. In the play, Shakespeare brings up ...
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