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The article, “Are too many people going to college?” by Charles Murray

Essay Instructions:

Which two problems do these articles identify? How do students overcome them?

Use MLA format, in-text citations and paraphrase the info. Only quote 15% directly.

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Which two problems do these articles identify? How do students overcome them?
The article, “Are too many people going to college?” by Charles Murray, identifies the pressure to attend college due to the notion that a college degree is necessary to have a great job, be satisfied in life and be a first-class citizen as the major problem. He believes that college education is not necessary as according to John Mill, “Universities are not intended to teach knowledge required to fit men for a special mode of gaining their livelihood, but make capable and cultivated human beings (Murray 222).” He observes that not all students can make it in college as average students who score 70th percentile in linguistic and mathematical ability are likely to struggle with a college education and end up dropping out when compared to students at 80th and 90th percentile. Some students’ skills do not follow a 4-year degree such as those with a passion for craftsmanship jobs. Also, some careers such as social work, chef, farmer, and a football coach among others do not require the 4-year training as only job experience makes people good at their job (Murray 225-230).
Robin Wilson’s article outlines that the need to attend one’s dream college at whatever cost as the primary reason students end up with enormous debts for years and not because of going to college (Wilson 257-258). According to the article, the minority who over borrow and end up with more than thirty thousand dollars worth of loans capture the media’s attention the most, as opposed to the 65 percent who graduate with a reasonable 20, 000 dollar loan (Wilson 258-259. Thus, borrowing to...
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