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1984 by Orwell and Communist China

Essay Instructions:

In the class, we read 1984 by George Orwell, and we gonna write an essay to relate the book to the modern world. here is the topic I choose: research about how Russia/ China government controls people’s speech on the internet, how communist country controls its people’s freedom of action and speech.

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Name Instructor Course Date 1984 by Orwell and Communist China Different countries and government have in place structures, laws and rules to govern their interest. Capitalism and communism and the common systems utilized by many nations. Communism is an economic and political system where the government controls and owns the means of production. The government uses tactics like surveillance, censorship, coercion, punishment and early-age intervention to control people and information. Therefore, this paper relates the application of the ideas in the 1984 novel to modern China of 2019. The dominance of Big Brother through the ruling party exhibits the current state of the political structure in China. The Chinese Communist Party (CPP) exists as a monolithic party dominating China’s political life CITATION Ell19 \l 1033 (Bruce). Similar to the Newspeak, commonly known as “Big Brother” was always on the look or watching people is China’s government. As the Ministry of Truth rewrites history so does the Chinese government keep the citizens misinformed and entertained? In the People’s Republic of China, media censorship is alarming with the government restricting its people’s freedom of expression and speech. The government uses monitoring systems together with firewalls to control information flow in a modern age where the internet is a norm. the Chinese government uses a web application known as Weibo to monitor its population CITATION Ker12 \l 1033 (Brown). Weibo is an instant messaging application. The jailing of dissident activists, journalists and bloggers have been a norm. unfortunately, the governing constitution of China in article 35 allows for freedom of publication, speech, association, and assembly. The government vets publications so as not to allow any leak of information or secret deals of the government. The government dictates what the public hears and sees. China uses the ideology of educating the youth to be on the government side by spying on the adults and sex is allowed for reproduction. In Orwell’s book, people were made to love the Party and to contribute to their economy. The Party also grabbed the young ones who were easily impressionable, stuffed them with propaganda that they believed in. Sex and seeking pleasure was prohibited as it would result in one losing interest and loyalty to the ruling party as evidenced by Winston and Julia love affair. Winston gets torn away from Julia leading to him losing interest in her and pledging allegiance to Big Brother just like the relationship between the Chinese young people and the government CITATION Geo51 \l 1033 (Orwell). Another significant method the Chinese government uses to control its people and the...
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