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Why Art is Important in Medicine Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

1. Harvard Medical School now sends young doctors to art classes. Apparently, doctors who learn to pay close attention to works of visual art become much better at studying and diagnosing their patients during visits. Why do you think this might be true? Should everyone go to art class?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
What Art is Important in Medicine?
Art as a discipline was initially ignored in the fields of medicine. However, its importance is currently finding its way in this field as more medical students are urged to take up art courses. There are numerous varieties of art discipline concepts that are applicable in medicine. For example, observational skills are important in medicine which give insight to doctors when examining patients as well as when providing treatment. Institutions such as Brigham and Women's Hospital send their residents to Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. This program is called the Art and Medicine that enables doctors to handle their patients as people but not symptoms. Other institutions have developed arts in healthcare aimed at transforming health care experience through arts. This is normally accomplished through the integration of visual arts, performance, and observation into the field of medicine for education, enhancement of therapy and expression. Thus, art as a discipline has benefits to both physicians and patients when integrated into medicine such as healing, suppression of stress and for improvement of skills. Regarding various aspects of art discipline, the essay will discuss the visual art and its benefits in the field of medicine.
Visual Arts makes clinicians more experienced
Visual art is an essential discipline that informs a clinician about symptoms that might not be communicated directly to them by patients. These symptoms can easily be noted by doctors who attend to patients in coma, intoxications or hepatic encephalopathy. Besides, other patients can talk, but they opt to hide more information due to embarrassment, fear as well as for avoidance of confrontation (Christenson 49). Therefore, aspects such as observation are essential in medicine discipline. Thus, clinicians may use the different components to observe the patient's emotions, psychological status, and physical conditions. They then interpret the patient's feeling through observation of facial expressions, body languages among others. Besides, visual representations of patients' conditions via pictures, x-rays among others can be interpreted by medical practitioners who have studied visual arts. These experts have the ability to capture and read documents as well as interpret the pictorial information. Furthermore, these medical practitioners can read and chart notes and envision the image of patients (Christenson 49).
Visual art as a discipline helps to improve patient's experience
Initially, most of the medical practitioner valued better designs of the hospital environment that brings about the nice environment for healing. Therefore, they focused on efficiency, prevention of infection, accommodation of the advanced technology as well as minimization of costs. Such aspects have been accomplished through observation of cleanliness, provision of a safe and cool environment as well as...
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