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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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Self Analysis: Experience Taking The English Course

Essay Instructions:

Compose a five to seven paragraph to analyze your work in the course this semester. ( I'm taking an English Class, we have studied about The Last of Mohicans Novel, College Writing Skills, worked with college tutor online, group powerpoint, blended quotation, reading skills, research skills)
This is a self-narrative that allows you to use first person pronouns: I, me, my, and mine.
Use MLA style for your paper: 12 point Times New Roman, double spaced, and so forth.
View the sample paper to get an idea of what your paper could include.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name:
Professor’s Name:
Self Analysis
It has been a fascinating experience taking the English course, and it feels great to analyze and reflect upon the concepts covered during the semester. I enjoyed every bit of learning practice we undertook. While some exercises appeared tough at first, the end results were worthwhile. It always feels good to be able to carry out something that you were not able to do comfortably previously. The course has thus equipped me with skills that I will carry with me not only to subsequent semesters but also in my future career life. Specifically, the course has helped me improve my writing skills, reading skills, research skills, and the ability to work with others to accomplish tasks.
The Last of the Mohicans was an interesting read, and I believe I carried with me some interesting lessons from the novel. I identified to a great extent with Magua and Hawkeye as the author portrays the characters as complete opposite of one another. It is through these characters that James Fenimore Cooper develops the themes of friendship, racism, and warfare. It is important to note that these themes are still relevant in the contemporary world. The novel also improved my reading skills.
I cannot fail to appreciate and recognize the efforts of the online tutors. They have particularly been helpful in making me feel comfortable throughout the course. I have always taken their advice and correction seriously, and I believe through them, my writing and research skills have improved significantly. In addition, whenever I needed clarification or help with something related to the coursework, the tutors have always been available. Even when you think you have accomplished every requirement of a task, you will always end up appreciating the comments of the tutor. The tutors are going to be of great help in my subsequent semesters.
The course has also equipped me with writing skills that have helped me complete the tasks assigned during the semester. I believe I can write better than I did at the beginning of the semester. Studying College Writing Skills has thus helped me communicate better in my class work. The tutors have also helped a lot in improving how I write. I have also gained an understanding of the various writing styles. Despite the writing skills gained, I believe there is still room for improvement. Through practice and assistance of tutors, my writing will keep improving. This will be helpful for future classes as well as my career.
Another undertaking during the course that I found interesting was t...
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