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People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): History, Achievements, and Challenges

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Animal Protection
Animal welfare attracts various opinions and views in the United States and around the world owing to the equally diverse interactions between human beings and animals across the social and economic sectors. The political wing of the global society functions to maintain a healthy balance in the perceived mutual relationship through the enactment and implementation of animal protection policies. Like human beings, animals also have the right to live their natural lives without any form of induced pain or suffering and exploitation by the advanced human species. It is evident that the animals do not have the ability to express or convey their feelings or reactions to unfair treatment except for their distinct sounds which can be interpreted for a wide range of meanings. Nevertheless, these animals have the capacity to express maternal love to their offspring as well as feel lonely, pain, pleasure, and frustration. Despite having the inherent capabilities, animals have an added value to the lives of human beings owing to their numerous benefits. The social justice issue arises from the conflict between conservative approach to people’s relationship with animals and the animal rights advocates. The former insists on upholding the traditional perspective of animals serving the sole purpose of meeting the diverse human needs such as movement, companionship, and food. Proponents of animal rights argue from a point of knowledge that these animals have rights that should be upheld for a more stable and healthier society.
Origin of Animal Protection in the United States
Animal protection in the United States started with the European settlers long ago before the country fought and got independence from the foreigners. Animal rights activism in the U. S. grew and developed alongside with the nation. It has since overcome various challenges and refinements to what it has become today. The pioneers of animal protection activism, however, advocated for euthanasia as the appropriate way of ending animal suffering, which contradicts the opinion of today’s activist who believe in caring for the animal until it reaches its last breath CITATION Dav19 \l 1033 (Davis). The use of animal for labor was an accepted norm among the early protectionists as they believed in the biblical teachings of the human-animal relationship CITATION Dav19 \l 1033 (Davis). The nation’s transition over the years served to improve the animal protection initiatives as people developed more informed perspectives on the suffering inflicted on the animals. In 1641, for instance, the colonial government of Massachusetts through established a set of legal protections for animals through a court ruling barring the cruel treatment of domestic animals CITATION Dav19 \l 1033 (Davis). The Puritan movement and religious beliefs were of great influence in reaching the court decisions as it reflected the Purists’ reformist ideologies CITATION Dav19 \l 1033 (Davis). The fight against slavery through the abolitionist movements further influenced the enhancement of the animal protection initiatives as slaveholders were associated with the mistreatment of animals under their care CITATION Dav19 \l 1033 (Davis). The changes occurring in the advocacy for animal protection implored on human decency and the ability of human beings to show compassion for one another as a crucial element towards improved animal welfare. The Civil war also appealed to the concern of the society on animal welfare with the graphic images of hundreds and thousands of dead horses CITATION Dav19 \l 1033 (Davis). In 1866 the animal protection activism got a breakthrough with the introduction of an oversight society for the prosecution of individuals accused of abusive animal treatment in the state of New York CITATION Dav19 \l 1033 (Davis). Animal protection continued to have positive changes and impact in the American society throughout the 19th and 20th century leading to the abolishment of vivisection in animals and to the formation of various organizations for protecting animal rights.
Current developments in the field of animal protection include the implementation of a wide range of animal protection policies in the United States through its department of agriculture. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has put up measures to improve animal welfare in the nation as it falls behind other developed nation in Europe. The different in animal welfare bites back at the American economy as the European Union puts sanctions against its animal products for failing to meet the standard animal protection measure in the rearing of the said animals. The U.S. accounts for one of the World’s largest production of beef as it surpasses the entire nation’s demand for the product. Such levels of production are an indication of an unregulated rearing process with a great possibility of animal rights violation for profit. Food animals are not the only ones whose welfare is a cause for concern as even the negative treatment of pet animals call for human action towards improving their well-being. The animal legal protections have recently come under sharp criticism from activists for their inefficiency in dealing with rising cases of animal cruelty and exploitation. The increased use of animals for economic purposes in the clothing industry, laboratory experimentation, and for entertainment purposes in circus and zoos raises questions on the efficacy of the animal rights protection policies. Several organizations have come up to influence or advocate for the compliance with the set standards for animal treatment across the various platforms for human-animal interactions. One of institutions with an established reputation for advocating for animal rights protection is a non-government organization referred to as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an organization that seeks to protect animals from exploitation through entertainment, experimentation, abuse, and general use for food and clothing. The organization formed in 1980 tasks itself with protesting for the rights of animals through platforms such as public education programs and active participation in protests against companies deemed to compromise animal welfare CITATION PET19 \l 1033 (PETA, About PETA). PETA’s mission is to highlight the key areas of concern or known animal rights violation. The organization identifies the research, food, clothing, and entert...
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