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Twenty-year Marriage By Ai Ogawa

Essay Instructions:

The Essay:

This is a theme analysis essay on a poem given in the next page. Your essay must be 1000 words minimum, Word-processed, Times New Roman font, size 12, double spacing throughout the entire essay. Your essay must have an interesting title, a clear thesis statement with three subtopics included in the introduction, evidence and reasoning to support it throughout the body of the essay, and the significance of your analysis to an understanding of the poem. Supporting evidence may include quotes, your commentaries on the significance of the poem, your logical argument, and your quotations from different sources. You also need to include a Works Cited page, listing the poem and the anthology that contains the poem in MLA style, and any other sources if you do additional research and incorporate them using MLA style as well.


1. Introduce the poem by giving a brief summary of the poem.

2. Transition into explaining the general meaning of the poem.

3. THESIS STATEMENT: One or two sentences to express your interpretation of the theme with three subtopics included. Remember that a theme is the total meaning of the poem on you.

BODY (Patterns: 12221; 12323231; 12342342341):

1. In each of the three body paragraphs, topic sentence should be presented first, possibly with three minor subtopics included.

2. SUPPORTING EVIDENCE: If you work with the first poem, you can easily put together some details you can use to support your interpretation. If you work with the second poem, you need to be creative and imaginative in coming up with support. Whatever the situation you are in and whichever poem you work with, you must set up your own interpretation framework. It won’t be acceptable if you explain the poem line by line or stanza by stanza, or analyze symbolism or figurative language, or discuss the diction or syntactical features. However, these features can be used appropriately for supporting your argument of the theme within your own framework. Logical reasoning is a form of support in this assignment.

3. Remember the unique rules for quoting poetry if you want to quote directly from the poem:

1) Record lines of poetry by using the following: (line 12-15)

2) For the rest of the citations simply use (35-37)

3) Use a “/” to separate lines. A space is needed before and after the “/.”

4) Copy capital or small case letters as they are used in the original poem

4. COMMENTARY: For EACH Supporting Evidence, you must give COMMENTARY. Clearly explain how and why the evidence you present illustrates the narrator’s deepening insanity. Remember to spend more time explaining important thoughts, ideas, analysis, revelations, etc.


1. Restate the Thesis Statement.

2. SO-WHAT: How does your analysis of the theme give the reader a deeper appreciation of the poem?

The Evaluation:

1. An interesting title

2. Strong thesis and adequate support

3. Correct format conventions (MLA)

4. Free from major grammar and mechanical errors and MUST be MLA formatted

Twenty-year Marriage By Ai Ogawa

You keep me waiting in a truck

with its one good wheel stuck in the ditch,

while you piss against the south side of a tree.

Hurry. I’ve got nothing on under my skirt tonight.

That still excites you, but this pickup has no windows

and the seat, one fake leather thigh,

pressed close to mine is cold.

I’m the same size, shape, make as twenty years ago,

but get inside me, start the engine;

you’ll have the strength, the will to move.

I’ll pull, you push, we’ll tear each other in half.

Come on, baby, lay me down on my back.

Pretend you don’t owe me a thing

and maybe we’ll roll out of here,

leaving the past stacked up behind us;

old newspapers nobody’s ever got to read again.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Date of Submission
Twenty-Year Marriage
The poem explains how two lovers plan to meets somewhere in one of the evening in the remote areas of the suburb. The lady arrives at the place they agreed to meet to enjoy themselves. The vehicle she is using has got stuck in a ditch, and she keeps talking to her fiancée who is far away. She explains how she is bored of waiting for his arrival so that they can have fun. She romantically explains how she is prepared to make love to him explaining in detail that she has no panties (line 4-5). Her statement explains how she was prepared to have sex escapade with his lover. She describes how their car looks inside with no windows making the place an ideal romantic spot for sex escapade. The two lovers have not met for some time (8-9). She explains how she has kept herself well just for him and expresses how eager she is to have him come as soon as possible. They haven't met for twenty years, and their meeting excites the two longtime lovers. She goes ahead to inform her fiancée to leave the past behind and hurry to have her.
General Meaning of the Poem
The poem brings together two longtime friends who were lovers two decades ago and had parted ways. She explains how he should not dwell on the past and forget if something ever made them part ways. She insists on letting his fiancée know that old news has no meaning, but the current report has a lot of weight. The way she expresses herself to his fiancée is a clear indication of how much she loved and cherished him in her life. She even goes ahead to inform him that she has never had another man in her life rather than him (8-9). She loved her fiancée so much and that reason she kept herself pure hoping one day they will reconcile. The lady is excited to meet her longtime lover whom they had parted ways. Through the expression of her words, it indicates how much she loved the man who was once in her life many years ago.
For the two lovers to come to a consensus and agree to meet for a catch up in the outskirts of the town indicates how the love between the two lovers had blossomed many years ago. The thought of meeting his boyfriend excites and awakens the desire they once felt for each other. The poem also brings to attention that true love never dies despite being apart for a long time (Kooistra, 2014). The lady shows no fear in the outskirts of the town because she knows what she wants is far much worth than any danger whatsoever. Meeting his longtime lover is like a dream come true that why she is willing to take the risk and wait for his lover’s coming. Not everyone woman can withstand the cold weather in the car, stuck in the outskirts of the town and you’re relaxed waiting for your lover to arrive. It shows how much she trusts his fiancée and that he will not fail to come that evening. She trusts him completely, and she believes that her lover is coming to meet her at the agreed meeting point.
Interpretation and Theme of the Poem
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