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Fiction Option One: Analyzing In the Land of the Free

Essay Instructions:

Option 1: Write an essay in which you analyze a single work of fiction from Guidelines, Chapter 5. Closely examine the story's elements, such as its characters or setting, or their relationship to each other. Your purpose is to interpret the story—that is, to explain what you believe to be the story's deeper meaning.

Option 2: Write an essay in which you compare and contrast two works of fiction from Guidelines, Chapter 5. Closely examine the elements of each story and the similarities and differences in how the meaning, characters, or main themes are treated. Your purpose is to illuminate subtle differences or unexpected similarities between the two stories.

For both options, you will need to:

Analyze the story or stories using They Say/I Say Chapter 12 as reference

Apply the standard structure of a literary analysis essay we discussed in class

Formulate a clear thesis that is arguable and answers the “so what?” question (They Say/I Say Chapter 12)

Incorporate details and quotations from the story or stories into your essay—refer to They Say/I Say Chapter 3 and Guidelines pp. 245-254

For additional information on how to approach this essay, refer to Guidelines pp. 169-179.

Your essay should be 1000-1200 words long, typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. At the top left corner of the first page, include your name, the course title, the semester, the instructor's name (Prof. Anna Ciriani Dean), the assignment title (Essay #1), and the draft number (First Draft or Final Draft). Also make sure to give your essay a title that reflects your thesis.

The first draft of your essay should be a complete draft, not an outline or a partially completed text. Submit your paper on Blackboard AND bring a paper copy to class. You will receive peer-review comments from a classmate.

link 1:http://www(dot)drvalverde(dot)com/uploads/1/0/5/3/10538520/inlandoffree.pdf

link 2:https://books(dot)google(dot)com/books?id=BAGVz1u0aYwC&pg=PA156&lpg=PA156&dq=Schnitzler%E2%80%99s+%E2%80%9CAmerica.&source=bl&ots=W8uHYQbxSb&sig=XJEfYEXzZqdrI6POLhQpfU4WLR0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiUiNLWj8rZAhVLGt8KHftqA-sQ6AEIaDAG#v=onepage&q=Schnitzler%E2%80%99s%20%E2%80%9CAmerica.&f=false

copy these link and paste into your browser to read the two articles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Option One: Analyzing In the Land of the Free
Ostensibly, as I read the article “In the Land of the Free’’ by Sui Sin Far, it appears that mothers have a stronger bond to their children than fathers. However, I have difficulty in accepting this proposition on the ground that both parents have a connection with their kids and the only difference that arises is the way they relate to their children.
The story explains how a Chinese couple left their child at the custom department on the hands of the government for approximately ten months for confirmation as to the right parents of the child (Drvalverde.com n.p). During the period, the couple missed their child and the bond between both the parents with the kid is evident on how their emotions changed when the child was under the care of the government. The story depicts the type of bond that each parent has towards their child. There had been several debates globally as to who loves their children most. The author explains the various behaviors of both parents towards their child during the time that the baby was under the hands of the government.
First, Far explains the behaviors of the parents at the custom’s department when they were told that their child was to be detained for some time to prove the legitimacy of their claim. The father spoke calmly to the custom officers to reach an agreement (Drvalverde.com n.p). However, when the mother realized that her husband was calm on the issue she grabbed the child from his hands and decided to protect it and prevent the officers from taking it away from her. Hong Hing tries to explain to the officers why the child was born away from the US. Hing states that “For twenty moons my wife cares for the nurse and the old people,’’ which is the reason she delayed in returning to the US. This shows the nature of both mother and father in a family. Hing understands the laws of Washington that a baby must have an admission certificate to be allowed into the country. However, Choo had difficulty in accepting the claim and thought that the child would never return. This does not prove that Hing does not care for the child; he cares but he had to follow the law. The mother has just arrived in the US and is not sure of the laws that apply in the nation. However, after being briefed about the laws, she accepts and gives the child to the custom officers. This shows that both the parents cared for their son.
Moreover, the author describes that Choo never slept the night when her son was taken away from her, while his husband did had a good sleep. Choo tells her husband that “ah, how could I close my eyes with my arms empty of the little body that has filled them every night for more than twenty moons!’’ The statement indicates that mothers...
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