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Analyzing Borrowing a Leaf from “Bartleby, the Scrivener” by Herman Melville

Essay Instructions:

This paper assignment is intended to get you to think more deeply about a topic of your own choosing in World literature. The idea behind any topic choice is to see connections or patterns in what we have read. Select a topic that shows reflection on an issue or an idea and discuss this in detail. The final paper should be in the range of three to five pages (excluding the Works Cited page). 

In your essay, you will argue for a particular interpretation, so you must support your claims with specific examples from the text. You may choose between writing a literary paper on Alexander Pope’s Rape of the Lock or Herman Melville’s “Bartleby.” Please remember that in addition to citing specific lines or passages of text, you must explain those passages or lines to your readers. Never assume that the text speaks for itself. You will use MLA guidelines for documenting, so please cite all in-text citation and have a Work Cited page. There are certain expectations readers have for literary analysis papers. One is that the ideas discussed show originality but depend heavily on the text.

Remember to NOT depend on lengthy biographical reporting or plot summarizing (except as it helps illustrate a point in your analysis).

Specific Criteria:

In grading your essays, I will consider all of the following:

1. Quality of the argument: Is it arguable and interesting? Is it clear? Is it fully developed?

2. Organization: Are thoughts organized clearly and effectively? Is there a thesis and/or blueprint?

3. Use of examples: Do you choose appropriate examples? Do you use them effectively? Are there enough?

4. Quality of the prose: Do you write clearly? Gracefully? Effectively? Do you make frequent mechanical (grammar, spelling, punctuation) errors? What is the quality of the diction and syntax?

5. Presentation: Did you number your pages? Is the Works Cited page formatted correctly? Are the in-text citations correctly documented?

Here are some topic possibilities:

1. Through the mock-heroic (or mock-epic) form, The Rape of the Lock allows Alexander Pope to satirize aspects of his society that he suggests are given too much importance. Identify two-three aspects of the society portrayed in the poem that Pope criticizes and explain how Pope uses the mock-heroic form to suggest this criticism.

2. As the story progresses, the narrator's views about Bartleby undergo several transformations, and Bartleby begins to have a kind of power over him. How does Bartleby's influence over the office manifest itself? Discuss why and how this occurs.

Please give the paper outline first before the main paper. And also use this thesis to write the paper Herman Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener" explores Bartleby, the titular character, who refuses to conform to societal norms. I want you to write on bartleby and not the rape of the lock... attached below is a sample of how the paper outline should look... so you are going to submit the paper outline and the main work . Thanks ... do not use outside sources .

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Borrowing a Leaf from “Bartleby, the Scrivener” by Herman Melville
The 21st-century world is defined by capitalism and consumerism, and individuals with money oppress those without. Power abuse results in chaos and unrest, giving people in power ultimate superiority. Struggling individuals in these settings have mixed reactions. While some openly embrace being dominated, some silent rebel against superiority, with a perfect example being Bartleby in the “Bartleby, the Scrivener” story. In various occurrences in the story, Bartleby adopted civil disobedience by applying passive resistance in a move to bypass unjust superiority and discriminatory treatment. Bartleby’s character development has achieved this aspect. This essay argues that Melville’s “Bartleby, the Scrivener” explores Bartleby, the titular character, who refuses to conform to societal norms as evidenced by uneven power distribution, need to fight consumerism, and recognition of oppression at the workplace.
There is an uneven balance of power within the workplace in Melville's "Bartleby, the Scrivener." This unjust power distribution, in turn, is a recipe for rebellion in the office. The narrator perceives his employees as being motionless machines. But Bartleby is quick to challenge this unjust use of power. First, the narrator demands that all scriveners must ensure copies are inspected with precision and an aspect that Bartleby challenges when he is told to review the document by replying, “I will prefer not to” (Mays 699). The narrator is shocked and lacks a perfect reply for the answer. Afterward, the narrator has an enormous record that requires analysis, but when Bartleby is asked, he again replies, “I would prefer not to” (Mays 700). Bartleby consistently uses the phrase to advance passive resistance against the entrenched roles of superiority. Ideally, Bartleby manages to successfully yield power by failing to give in to the boss’s demands.
Bartleby’s character development is occasioned by the need to fight consumerism that has been deeply entrenched in Wall Street. His lack of desire for materialistic nourishment perfectly illustrates his unwillingness to respect boss’s instructions and directions. He wanted to keep away from consumerism by not taking part in any form such as eating or partying. These developments are supported by this statement – “as if long famishing for something to copy, he seemed to gorge himself on ...
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