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A White Heron Analysis

Essay Instructions:

The essay should be based on "A white Heron" by Sarah Orne Jewett.

Support your assertion as correctly as possible, referring to specific event/passage in the text or quoting from the text. Always give full yet economical answers. Keep the passage of citation short, a single word, a phrase, even a line or two. Whenever possible, do close textual analysis(CTA) of brief passages. Look at single words or phrases and discuss their grammatical, linguistic and/or rhetorical features. As much as half of your essay should be CTA. In analyzing your poem, it may be an explictaion or analysis. Bothe require that you formulate a thesis statement and support it with evidence from the text. Never merely identify an aspect of a work of art, put differently, identification for the sake of identification is superficial. If you account for the ideology of the text and do so with intelligent and profound insight, you are in "above average" range. To achieve the "superior" range, you must do some CTA and you must account for the "aesthetics" of the work of art.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analyze work of art of a "White Heron"
Sarah Ornre Jewett’s short story “White Heron” stood out in the late 1880s as a representation of the American society during that period. It is in the genre of realism and was published by Houghton Mifflin and Company. This paper critically analyses the short story through a close textual analysis of the artwork. The short story is about Sylvia a young girl from the city who goes back to the countryside to live with her grandmother Mrs. Tilley; and meets with a hunter of a rare bird that is spotted in Sylvia’s neighborhood. She falls in love with country life and the environment and more so the animals that are found in it. The story brings to light many themes in society which can be argued different; for instance, good against evil; feminine against masculine; innocence vs. corruption and nature against civilization.
Sylvia is nine years old when she starts living with her grandmother at the countryside, and she struggles to fit into the new life. As she adopts the new life she likes it and becomes familiar with many chores including grazing and taking home the cow from the forest. The love for country side grew every day and though she was from the city the countryside seemed much more enjoyable, this can be asserted in the statement “There was hardly a night the summer through when the old cow could be found waiting at the pasture bars; on the contrary, it was her greatest pleasure to hide herself away among the huckleberry bushes” (Jewett & Alvord 7). In deed the author stresses this by saying that she seemed to never been alive for the eight years she was in the crowded manufacturing town. In addition she wishes to live in the beautiful countryside and never go back to the city. Even though, she was lonely and had no friends to play with she chooses to live in the new home and continue with her chores.
The presence of the tall young man (the hunter) with a gun on his shoulder threatens Sylvia and would be the author’s way of representing the threat to civilization, innocence and nature. The fact that he is lost represents the misguided ways of the new civilization for lack of protecting the old order. The hunting is a representation of the extinction of the old ways and ...
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