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Analyze work of art of a "A Story of An Hour"

Essay Instructions:
The essay should be based on "A story of an hour" by Kate Chopin. The focus should be mainly on "Epiphany". Support your assertion as correctly as possible, referring to specific event/passage in the text or quoting from the text. Always give full yet economical answers. Keep the passage of citation short, a single word, a phrase, even a line or two. Whenever possible, do close textual analysis(CTA) of brief passages. Look at single words or phrases and discuss their grammatical, linguistic and/or rhetorical features. As much as half of your essay should be CTA. In analyzing your poem, it may be an explictaion or analysis. Bothe require that you formulate a thesis statement and support it with evidence from the text. Never merely identify an aspect of a work of art, put differently, identification for the sake of identification is superficial. If you account for the ideology of the text and do so with intelligent and profound insight, you are in \"above average\" range. To achieve the \"superior\" range, you must do some CTA and you must account for the \"aesthetics\" of the work of art.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analyze work of art of “A Story of An Hour”
Just as the title “A Story of An Hour” suggests the short story of Kate Chopin narrate the occurrence of a single hour as they happened to Mrs. Mallard. Initially published under the title “The dream of an hour” it depicts how the lady receives the news of the death of her husband, only to learn that he is still alive. This paper critically analyses the work of art of “A Story of An Hour” through a close textual analysis of the artwork. There are four characters in the story who include Mrs. Louise Mallard, Mr. Brently Mallard, Josephine (the sister to Mrs. Mallard) and Richards (a friend to Mr. Mallard).
The story opens with description of the delicate nature of Mrs. Mallards heath as she has a heart problem. This makes her sister Louise be very gentle in breaking the news fearing that she may collapse and die too. The author quotes “Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death” (Chopin, par 1). At first Mrs. Mallard mourns her husband and she was not in a position to accept the reality of the death; this is compared to other women who suffered the same fate.
The ironic nature of the story can be seen in the statement the author quotes “She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance” (Chopin, par 3). This can be interpreted to mean that she would have received the news more differently and mourn more than she did or rather suffer more. Here she is seen to take the death as a significant milestone in her life and despite the wild abandonment she felt it was not as genuine as she expressed it.
Symbolism is clearly expressed in the short story as she enters her room all alone and starts searching her life and reflecting on the news of her husband. The open window is symbolic of a free life that has opened in front of her and gives her the freedom she has always yearned for. The comfortable roomy armchair is also symbolic of the comfort of his life after the death of his husband. This is ironic as no one enjoys the death of his or her loved fiancé or lover. The author also uses rich symbolic language...
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