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Analytical essay on sense and sensebility

Essay Instructions:
Answer the following questions in Analytical essay form on movie "sense and sensibility" by Jane Austen. 1 One theme of the novel is the difference (or lack thereof) between a character's actions and their words. Is there any character(s) in particular that you noticed this in? (I'm asking you to identify and explain any you feel are worth discussing) 2. What did you like or dislike about a certain character? Choose one to explain how Austen's story worked or didn't, or compare two or three? (Explain or argue, and/or compare/contrast) 3. Did the story end the way you expected? Explain why you felt this way. Alternatively, choose one character, and explain how you knew they would do what they did, or how they changed or acted unexpectedly, and why you think they did so. 4. What do you think the title has to do with the story? Are there particular moments or parallels you can use to explain this? 5. a) Is there a central issue in this film? If so, what is it, and what character or characters deal with it? (again, you're explaining and describing) b) If there are several issues, can you identify them and explain which character or characters deal with them, and how? The essay has to be Analytical essay no summary. No reference. the only reference is the book or the movie.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Surname: Instructor`s Name: Course Number: Date: Analytical Essay on "Sense and Sensibility" 1. Elinor Dashwood is definitely one of the characters that exemplifies a person that matches own character with own words. From the very onset she comes out as more trustable and more sociable type of person compared to her sister Marianne. Her composure is likeable by many, and her introverted character has led to the fact that she has made several friends in her society. As a result, Elinor learns a lot about people especially family and close friends thanks to her ability to keep secrets and her keen sense of identifying the volatility of situations and reacting to them in an albeit more sensible way compared to her sister Marianne. 2. Marianne doesn`t come out as a likeable person according to the manner that the author has portrayed her. From the beginning, she has been highlighted as a highly emotional character that can easily act on impulse. In society, it is not exactly easy to keep up with such characters and personalities in real life and this is why it is easy for many of the other characters seem to avoid Marianne. As a result, she ends up falling in love with the wrong people for the wrong reasons and becomes emotive and emotionally charged whenever things do not seem to go well. 3. The author tries to define the importance of sense over sensibility and this comes out well as intended. The story ends with the readers` ability to establish the advantages and disadvantages of both sensibility and sense. It becomes clear in the two sisters`, Marianne and Elinor, opposing temperaments and approach to situations. In a sense, the story achieves what it was intended to achieve because it exposes the nature of society then (and today) and how we approach romance issues. The story ends as expected. As portrayed by the writer, sense is not entirely all that is required in our day to day social life. And as noted in Elinor`s final times in the story, she i...
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