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Character Analysis On Ralph In The Book Lord Of The Flies

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Write about a character analysis on ralph in the book lord of the flies

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In the novel lord of lies, Ralph is the protagonist and the author has developed his character to represent the fragility that exists in the world of civilization. The author has achieved this by creating a chronological order of events that surround the character of Ralph. Ralph is left to keep a watch on his established order as it falls into chaos. Hence, throughout the novel, Golding has used different elements of writing to display Ralph’s character.
One of the main characters that Golding has represented about Ralph is his ability to lead the other boys who find themselves on a deserted island. This leadership has been developed due to the nature of the situation during that time given the fact a large group of individuals cannot coordinate with each other in the absence of a leader. This is evidenced by the fact that Ralph starts to organize the other boys in order to build a shelter and light a fire that would signal their rescue. On the other hand, the other boys view the island as a place whereby they can play endlessly without the external interference from their guardians. He also makes good use of the resources around him to ensure that he has displayed his leadership abilities effectively. A good example is the case whereby piggy and Ralph finds a shell and blows it to get the attention of the boys so that they can elect him a leader. Hence, this displays Ralph as a pragmatic person.
In addition, Ralph is represented as the common leaders in the current world whereby the author shows his dark side when the character name Simon tries to scare out the boys and, in turn, they kill him. Ralph is seen struggling in order to get in on it. Golding used Ralph’s character, in this case, to show that even the faithful leaders can crumble into the darkest side and that no one is perfect in whatever they do.
Ralph is also represented as an authoritative leader. After realizing that the boys have become barbaric, Ralph commands them saying that he is chief and they have to make things clear on how they would get a rescue. Ralph says that there is no any signal showing because of the mountain and questions the boys as to whether they are off their rockers. This authoritative nature of Ralph does not get the boys to end their chaos and he starts blaming the island instead of the uncooperative boys or his leadership. Therefore, Golding builds this character as an a...
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