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Regine Mamba and Suitcase Lady Research Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Layout for 150 Writing



The introduction must include the author’s full names plus the name of their stories in “quotation marks”.

You need a topic sentence which is just a general idea of what the stories are about.

You need a thesis statement which is a very specific statement that shows what the real message or idea is about the two stories. Are these stories dealing with social issues, educating consumers (such as in issues related to the environment), political issues or environmental issues? Your thesis statement is very specific, short and to the point.

Finally at the end of your introduction you need to state 3 main points of comparison and/or contrast.

3 Main Points – Point Number 1, Point Number 2, Point Number 3

Paragraph 2 – Write a full sentence introducing Main Point Number 1

From Story Number 1 give 2-3 details to support Main Point 1

From Story Number 2 give 2-3 details to support Main Point 1

Paragraph 3 – Write a full sentence introducing Main Point Number 2

2-3 details from Story 1 to support Main Point Number 2

2-3 details from Story 2 to support Main Point Number 2

Paragraph 4 – Write a full sentence introducing Main Point Number 3

2-3 details from Story 1 to support Main Point Number 3

2-3 details from Story 2 to support Main Point Number 3

Conclusion (Last Paragraph)

Your conclusion should restate your thesis statement and your three main points. You can write this in whatever way you wish but DO NOT add personal opinion here. Remember this course is about the ideas and opinions of other writers so DO NOT add personal opinions or suggestions.

NOTE: In the body of the essay (Paragraph 2 and 4) you should also include 3 quotes from the readings to support one of the details. 3 quotes means ONLY 3 quotes in the whole essay, perhaps 1 from 1 story and 2 from the other story. These quotes should support some of your strongest details to help emphasize them. If you fill your essay with more than 3 quotes you will lower your mark or even get a zero mark. Also always indent the first sentence of each paragraph so it is clear that this it is one paragraph. Do not repeat their full names or the titles in the rest of the essay…just their last name.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Hardships in Personal Lives
Stephanie Nolen's "Regine Mamba" and "Suitcase Lady" by Christie McLaren have similarities in numerous ways as both novels reveal hardships in the society as a result of social issues. Irrespective of the two novels written in separate communities and different countries, the novels demonstrate how the social problems lead to hardship in characters' personal lives. Consequently, both the novels portray social issues as the cause of difficulties in personal lives in the form of poverty, homelessness and the endless struggle to survive.
Poverty is experienced by protagonists in both the novel. Wretched poverty is portrayed by Nolen in the novel through Regine Mamba, a protagonist who experience hardship through her life. The grandmother is an elderly of 74 years old and has no resources to take care of the grandchildren whose parents have died. At her old age, Regine Mamba is expected to be experiencing a peaceful life and should be provided for by her children and the society (Nolen par 1). Instead, she is the breadwinner for thirteen children from the little resource she obtains from her garden. Ms. Mamba attests to the sentiments by saying, "It's trying, it's difficult. The only way I manage is that what little I get, I give them. The oldest male in this house is a boy of 15. That's the biggest problem because I have to till the land, and I have no animals to help me plant a big maize field" (Nolen par 9). In McLaren's story, the suitcase lady who calls herself Vicomtesse Antonia is languishing in poverty. She is 60 years old with no money. She begs on the street and has no work. She says, "As for money, I bum on the street. I don't like it, but I have to. I have to survive. The only pleasure I got is my cigarette…It's not a life" (McLaren par 13).
Regine Mamba and Vicomtesse Antonia in both novels are homeless. McLaren reveals hardship in the form of homelessness as experienced by the Suitcase Lady. The novel reveals that the protagonist initially had a house and kitchen of which she does no...
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