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Analysis of the speech delivered by politician and American journalist Clare Boothe Luce

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3 paragraph essay + introduction and conclusion

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Rhetorical Analysis Essay
This paper presents a rhetorical analysis of the speech delivered by politician and American journalist Clare Boothe Luce to members of the fourth estate at the Women’s National Press Club in 1960. From the introduction, the speaker prepares the audience for both the bad and good that exist in the journalism practice. While she criticizes the ills that take place in the American Press, on the other hand, she showers praises on the successes of the same press. In the speech, Clare criticizes the move by the American media to give up journalistic integrity to sensationalist stories. Clarke also uses the introduction of the speech to express his gratitude to be invited to the occasion. But he further hints that he would say plainly what ails the American press and spells out its successes.
What follows is that the speaker sets the pace in criticizing the weaknesses and shortcomings of journalists and other people working in the media industry. Interestingly, a journalist was speaking to journalists about media integrity. I bet that Clare with his background in politics and journalist knows too well the unethical practices that journalists and politicians engage in to push their interests. From receiving brown “envelopes” or bribes to writing propaganda, fake stories and serving the interests of politicians, Clare knows all the dealings of politicians and journalists. It is known the love of money by a journalist can give politicians leeway to bribe journalists to have them serve their interests, spin stories, kill stories or silence sources.
Moreover, in the speech, Clare advice journalists on the principles of good journalism so that they could ensure objectivity in their stories. The speaker opines that journalistic ethics and principles should not only be practiced i...
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