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Analysis of the Bad Wolfes

Essay Instructions:
Country of the Bad Wolfes is an epic novel spanning several generations of the Wolfe family and over a hundred years.The novel includes two sets of twins and their exploits over time. Use one of the literary theories we've studied this semester--gender analysis, psychoanalytical theory, or economic determinism--and write an analysis of the entire novel. a) If you focus on gender analysis, you might consider how the novel portrays gender roles of men and women over the course of a century. Did cultural and historical norms play a role in how men and women behaved and what they considered valuable qualities as males and females? b) If you look at psychoanalysis, you should look at symbols, dreams, sexual tension (and repression), and come up with a theory about how and why these characters behave the way they do. What hidden motives or desires do they have that contributes to their actions? c) For economic determinism, you might consider how economic considerations propelled (or failed to propel) various characters' decisions at key moments in the novel's plot. How did money factor in to the decisions and events that occurred over the course of 100 plus years in this family's history? Instructions -Each essay must use specific evidence from at least three sources other than the play itself. This can include specific textual references (paraphrasing and summarizing) and/or quotes. If you use quotes, the body paragraphs should have no more than two quotes to support your point and analysis. Quotes should be introduced with your own words and be properly cited using MLA format. Each body paragraph should begin and end with your ideas; thus, you need to clearly explain how the quote(s) you chose to use support your ideas. -Remember that a strong introduction includes a brief introduction of the topic and main points, as well as a clear thesis that states the main idea of your essay. -Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence, explanation of the ideas in the paragraph, specific examples to support your explanation (the quotes will be at least part of your example/examples), adequate explanation and analysis of all examples/evidence, and appropriate closure/transitions to finish the paragraph. -The conclusion should restate your thesis and provide a final observation on the topic. -Your essay should have an original title that reflects your topic and argument. -MLA format: MLA stands for Modern Language Association, which provides a format for English papers to follow. The heading and the header are examples of the proper format for MLA style, which you must follow for this essay. The font must be 12 point Times New Roman font. The margins for all MLA formatted papers are one inch (top/bottom and left/right). Your essay should also include a Works Cited page and in-text parenthetical citation. The Works Cited page should follow your essay. Be sure to include an MLA citation of the performance. Performances are cited in particular ways so look it up. -Remember to transition from idea to idea within paragraphs and from paragraph to paragraph using transitional phrases/words, coordinating conjunctions (i.e. FANBOYS), subordinating conjunctions, and prepositional phrases. also attach an outline please
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Introduction: Introduces the issue under discussion thus making the reader conscious of the issues under discussion. It also gives an overview of the novel.
Roles for Men: These roles are drawn from the novel, indicating the roles that men were supposed to play and how the men in the novel did or did not follow this.
Roles for Women: This section is just like the one above, only that the issues addressed are biased to the women.
Conclusion: This is a summation of the ideas discussed in the above sections and also gives the recommendations if any.
Bad Wolfes
Question 1: Gender Roles
It is well known that in many societies, there are the set roles for the different genders, with men and women having specified roles that they play in the society. More often than not, the roles tend to be discriminative, with the women on the receiving end. They have to handle responsibilities that are not always as pleasing to handle while their male counterparts have the advantage of having everything good to themselves. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that both parties have a crucial role to play in the continuity of the society. The essay below highlights the gender roles as they are manifested in Blake`s "Country of the Bad Wolfes" asserting the thesis that social constructions of gender roles determine the manner in which the people behave and act. In this humorous epic, Blake (5) starts off by telling the story and the lives of Samuel and Roger Wolfe, twin brothers born to a pirate. They are informed by their mother that their father was a pirate who got lost in the sea (Kirkus 1). As such, the twins grew without a father. However, they had an appetite for high life and therefore lived reckless lives, caring less about what they did. More often than not, they found themselves on the wrong side of the law and had to keep on the run. They got involved in duels every now and then. Samuel later married Alma Rodriguez, a woman who had once saved his life (Blake, 74). They begat another set of twins, Sebastian and John who take after their uncle and father. However, these two go overboard and do things that even their fathers could not have done. They are more violent and have a liking for the wrong adventure. In stride with their fathers, they fled back to America from Mexico after they went against the law. Samuel also begat Blake Cortez out of wedlock, and it is he who finally brings out the history of the family.
Roles for Men
Gender roles are well defined and seen in the novel. The most pronounced roles are those played by the men in the society. From the onset, it is seen that Samuel and Roger are unruly, fun-loving and adventurous (Blake 20). They do not stand at nothing that might come in their way of achieving what they need. It does not matter whether what they do is wrong or right. All that matters is that they do what they feel like doing and their lives run the way they wanted them to. This is an indication that in the older days, men were seen as rogue and brutal, people who had no second thought when they set their minds out to do something. This is why Samuel and Roger were living a life that could be said to be irresponsible (Cincopuntos 1). This was the mistake of the society since it had failed to make them appreciate the right way of living and live by it.
Men have the role to mentor their children and to make sure that they follow the right way of life; failure to which the children would be lost and so would the grandchildren. This aspect also comes in very clearly in the novel. It is indicated that Samuel and Roger were brought up w...
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