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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay must be written in a cynical tone. This is for my English class. Thank you.
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It is ironical to talk of freedom if a person does not fully understand the definition of freedom and what it entails. What is the point of advocating for freedom and crusading for the same if you do not understand freedom and do not respect other people`s freedom? There is no need for different governments to continue misleading the citizens of their countries that there is enough freedom while they cannot observe some of the basic human rights. People`s rights of expression are often thwarted by the government agencies charged with the responsibility of ensuring peaceful coexistence. However, in the public eye they seem to be advocating for freedom and misleading people that they are meant to protect the rights of the people. The famous quote by Abraham Lincoln, "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth" has been widely used by political aspirants to rise to power. However, as soon as they rise to power, they turn out to be ‘monsters.` The voters on the other hand are often lured using cheap politics to vote for the wayward leaders. One wonders when the voters will open their eyes and see beyond their noses and elect leaders who can protect their rights and give them freedom that conforms to the international standards.
Freedom is not earned on a silver platter but fought for. The ‘lazy` ones will always sit down waiting for freedom and crying for it, hoping for a ‘miracle` to happen. They live their life in a sorrow state as they complain throughout their lives. It is time that people w...
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