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Americans Are Two Powerhouses When It Comes To Gaming

Essay Instructions:

This essay should be related to subculture (I chose the video game). It includes two interview, one for Chinese roommate one for American roommate. You can make interview up, a fake one.
Start writing from this aspect: one is the importance of playing video games together, and its benefits. Compare this between Chinese and American.
The second aspect is, the importance of watching webcast with friends (gaming webcast), when watching, people will have conversation and interact. Or conversation by online phone call. And how this improves the friendship, relationship between people. Compare how American is different than Chinese. The rest part is on your play, the things that I talked should be included.
American like to play video game, Chinese like to play online game on computer. The way how Chinese and American interact with friends is different, a little bit about how important is the video game (enhance the relationship).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Video Game
It is no secret that the Chinese and the Americans are two powerhouses when it comes to gaming. Every year, the gaming world gets introduced to new games which is often good news to a significant portion of the populace in China and the US. Currently, these two countries account for more than half of the world’s gaming market and this number is expected to grow in the future. Gaming companies in both nations are indeed profitable and currently make more than $25 billion yearly. Initially, China’s gaming market was thin and not as profitable as the US but gradually, the gaming companies there have been able to revamp and turn the tide. Conversely, in the US, gaming was already widely accepted and had a solid market even in the 90s. However, currently, reports suggest that the gamers in China are more than the entire US population which is indicative of the progress the gaming world has made in China. Despite their similarities, both countries often showcase significant differences especially when it comes to things life demographics, where the gaming is often done, as well as mobile gaming. These differences are indeed significant and help one to understand the underlying facts about each country’s love for gaming. In my quest to understand both country’s gaming culture, I interviewed two of my friends who spend the better part of their days gaming. One of them is from China, and our conversation was as follows:
Note: Chang is not his real name.
Me: Hi Chang
Chang: Hey how’re you?
Me: Am good. By the way, I’ve noticed that you spend a lot of time gaming…
Chang: Are you kidding? My life is all about gaming (Bursts out laughing).
Me: So when did you discover your love for gaming?
Chang: I started gaming when I was seven years old, and that is when I discovered my love for video games.
Me: Wow! That’s a lifetime in gaming Chang.
Chang: (Laughs) Yes, when you love it as much as I do, there’s no going back.
Me: So which games do you like?
Chang: Unlike here (US), where everyone likes FPS (First-Person Shooter) and action games, In China people, prefer games such as Warcraft which to answer your question is my favorite.
Me: So the gaming culture in the US is different to China’s?
Chang: Yes. There’s a huge difference.
Me: What are some of the differences?
Change: First of all, action games are not popular in China, there is also a lot of censoring in China, and a majority of people frequent internet cafes or as they are famously known “internet bars” in China.
Me: Wow! That’s a lot. And I also heard that consoles were banned in China. Is that true?
Chang: Yes. But that ban was lifted in 2015. However, the government still has a lot to say and is indeed strict and wants to preserve and maintain the culture of the country.
Me: That means that companies such as Sony and Microsoft have never had a share of the gaming market there right?
Chang: Yes. Even today, you would think that things would be different, but the government is still involved in almost everything that is released to the public. Companies risk having their games banned if they are found to have broken any standing statute. Sometimes a ban can be placed without the knowledge of the company.
Me: Wow! Am actually beginning to understand why China has maintained a modest approach to a majority of the world’s issues.
Chang: Yes. It is indeed different there.
Me: Okay back to gaming. Do you prefer single player mode or multiplayer mode?
Chang: I prefer single player mode, but I also enjoy multiplayer sometimes.
Me: A question on multiplayer mode. What do you think makes it special? Or what are some of the benefits of playing a game in multiplayer mode?
Chang: I like the team spirit or the fact that it encourages one to put the objective of the team first.
Me: I never thought of it like that, but you’ve helped me see it in a different light.
Change: It is true because you always think of your partner before making a move.
Me: Thank you Chang. Do you have time for some more questions?
Chang: Yes, just shoot.
Me: What’s your take on gaming webcast or online phone calls like on Facebook or Skype?
Chang: I like it. I think it is more engaging than chatting or making normal phone calls.
Me: What do you mean by engaging?
Chang: I mean that people can relate or interact on a deeper level.
Me: And how is it different here (US) than in China?
Chang: I think the Americans are more upfront while the Chinese are a bit reserved and overly sensitive.
Me: (Laughs) Overly sensitive?
Chang: Sometimes it gets on my nerves. People are too polite, but I also like it.
Me: I wish we could continue this conversation, but I need to go. Thanks a lot, Chang.
Chang. Anytime brother.
My other friend is from the US, and our conversation was as follows:
Me: Hey James
James: Hey what’s up?
Me: Nothing. I left you sited there when I left in the morning, right?
James: A gamer for life. (Chuckles then makes a sign in the air)
Me: By the way, I always find you with a crowd man. C...
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