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Compare the persona in Robert Brownings

Essay Instructions:
Choose any 1 of the following questions, and write a 3-page, double-spaced essay on it. Be sure to use lines/stanzas from the works specified (as well as quotes from any secondary sources) to make your points. 1. Compare the persona in Robert Browning¡¯s My Last Duchess to that described in Alfred Lord Tennyson¡¯s Ulysses.
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Person refers to the aspect of a person's character that is presented to the audience. It can also be used to refer to the role that is dopted by an author or an actor. The author of a poem ca decide to identify a created character as the speaker but when there is no specific attribuion, the term persona can be usd in the neutral sense since it can be automtically assumed that a created work directly reflects the personal experiences or the views of the poet. The use of an identified persona precludes an ambiguity that enables the poets to give expressions to the things that they would prefer not to have attributed to their own person.
In the story “My Last Duchess” the Duke talks about his deceased wife. The reader might assume that the Duke killed his wife out of a fit of jealousy. He talks to a man about how much he hated his wife’s attitude. This speech gives the Duke a possible motive for killing his wife. The Duke never comes out and admits to the murder. There are many clues to connect him to the murderer. The author, uses foreshadowing, style, structure, and point of view to enforce the plot about a murder. Browning uses foreshadowing to help the reader understand the motive of the Duke. The Duke tells us that the Duchess had “A heart—how shall I say?—too soon made glad” (21). This is a clue to show that the Duke was a very jealous man. He was very furious that his wife was too nice of a woman.
Most authors often allow the actors to develop specific roles in the course of the play or show. In Robert Browning's My Last Duchess, the persona is the Duke of Ferrara. Robert Browning in his poem, "My Last Duchess" provides a very good example of persona and Euphemism Robert Browning for instance, allowed a speaker's own words to reveal, and condemn, his or her own behavior. The Duke's monologue in "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning unveils his persona as courteous, cultured, and terrifying, as he describes a portrait of his late wife in stark detail. In the same way the Duke says that Frà Pandolf painted the portrait of the lateDuchess, the duke himself as the speaker paints a portrai...
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