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Advantages of euthanasia and examples.Morrow, Angela. What is Euthanasia?

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Find one advantage of euthanasia and make a statement then find an example of this advantage.

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Advantages of Euthanasia and Examples
Euthanasia is a term that has divided the world into two factions with one being in support of it but the other being vehemently opposed. In her article, Morrow (np) explains that euthanasia is “the act of a physician or other third party ending a patient’s life in response to severe, persistent and untreatable pain and suffering.” Euthanasia is a Greek term which means a good death. However, is there such a thing as a good death? Well, in the past few years people have been involved in debates with regards to euthanasia, and several moral dilemmas have come up with one of them being which circumstances ought to facilitate or make euthanasia justifiable. There is also the issue of whether the decision to end someone’s life (regardless of their suffering and pain) is right or wrong. The above issues have prolonged the debate in some countries, but others like the Netherlands, Canada, and Belgium already legalized euthanasia. In the U.S., Kliff (2015) notes that five states have already legalized euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide.
Math and Chatuverdi (2012) note that euthanasia “encompasses various dimensions, from active (introducing something to cause death) to passive (withholding treatment or supportive measures); voluntary…to involuntary.” Because death is involved, it is impossible for some people to see any advantage in physician-assisted suicide. However, there are a few advantages of euthanasia, and some may include cutting the healthcare cost especially for families that are not financially endowed. Another advantage could be it can be used to help people with a terminal disease and that are in severe pain end the anguish. However, the chief or main advantage and the focus of this paper will be relieving people of the stress of living helpless lives especially those that are paralyzed or that have been d...
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