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The Rise and Fall of Cinema

Essay Instructions:

The topic is The Rise and Fall of Cinema: This paper should cover chapters from American

Cinema/American Culture 5th Edition View Latest Edition By John Belton Copyright: 2018

All assignments should be at least 1000 words, typed and double spaced, in MLA format.

and discuss how TV helped change the way the film business had been doing business. Discuss how films were now being created, specifically for demographic viewing and how the old Hollywood system began to crumble.

Please DO NOT present a detailed synopsis of any films, but rather your findings on how/why each encompasses certain aspects of the culture, people and the times, such as how the studio

system helped shape the perception and creation of “stars”. Grade with be based on your thoughts and the detailed findings of the readings and viewing and how they helped to define

American Culture.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student`s Name Professor`s Name Course Date The Rise and Fall of Cinema Hollywood history has been divided into four eras; silent era, classical Hollywood, new Hollywood, and modern Hollywood. Here, the purpose is not to draw the historical timeline, as everyone knows that the industry has seen its golden times of fifteen years, starting from 1930 to 1945. After this, the television came into being. Although it took many years after this for every household to have a TV set, it was long foreseen how it would shape the future of cinema. The advent of streaming service kind of choked the last breath from the Hollywood industry before it was put on the ventilator to fight for its survival. How TV helped change the way the film business had been doing business The TV has caused much grief in Hollywood, but it has also opened up new doors for the industry leaders. The fact is that filmmaking has become a full-fledged business. The entertainment opportunity, or to say the choice, is unlimited for the TV audience these days, thanks to services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Roku and others for making it possible. This also gave studios the facility to stream their movies on smaller screens through these services for masses, and they can now be seen selling the rights to different TV companies and making money out of it. Streaming has changed the way people watch movies these days. You can stay on your beds and still enjoy the latest releases. Yes, it is true that you will miss the big screen experience, but there is no compromise on the quality as TVs and streaming services these days have the top-notch tech. Discuss how films were now being created, specifically for demographic viewing It cannot be said confidently what sort of artistic or technological changes future may bring, but today, the market is very saturated, and the credit goes mainly to the TV and other handled tech devices. Bearing the fact in mind that Hollywood studios still produce big budgeted movies like James Bond, we should not forget that they are targeted to the masses. There are many demographic categories used within the industry, but most relevant is the age groups such as 5-11, 18-24, 30-plus and so on. The studios craft their scripts with those groups in mind, and they know whom they are making a certai...
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