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Abortion is a Fundamental Human Rights

Essay Instructions:

A definitional argument is determined by the definition being explored. You might argue that based on a certain definition, the subject under consideration belongs to a group, or you might decide that it doesn’t belong to said group, that it is in fact too different to be granted membership.

Your final paper will also include a counter argument and a rebuttal. The counter argument will be one paragraph in which you address one of the main concerns of the opposition and the rebuttal will show why you think that the concern doesn't change the point of your claim.

For example, if your claim is that the Kennedys are America’s royal family, you have to define royal family; then you must convince your readers that the Kennedys by definition fit into that group.

Your paper must be five to seven pages, double-spaced, not including the works cited page. You need to have four credible sources for this paper. Please plan to reach out to a reference librarian at CCSF. They are here to help!

Your paper should have:

A claim of definition

A definition

Reasons why your claim fits your definition

Evidence to support your reasons

A counter argument

Your rebuttal

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Abortion is a Fundamental Human Rights

Claim of Definition:

Abortion Is a human right as it entails an individual's choice of their body and reproductive health. Human rights should allow individuals to make decisions concerning their reproductive choices without interference from others, as the decision should come from the inner self. Abortion, as a human right, helps an individual to have authority over their body.


Every human being is entitled to human rights. Human rights enable someone to do something confidently and without hiding as the person possesses the authority. These human rights give an individual confidence in a sure thing as there is no one to question them. These human rights include the ability to make decisions without any restriction or condemnation. Abortion as a human right will enable an individual to do what they feel is suitable for their body without fear of criticism.

Reasons Why Abortion is a Human Right

Abortion allows a balance in gender equality. Most women get disadvantaged when they get pregnant, making their lives stop moving for some time as they have to drop their careers; others are forced to drop out of school and concentrate on nurturing the pregnancy and, eventually, the kid. When women leave school or drop their careers, men are unaffected and continue their lives normally. The life of a woman stops entirely as a result of the pregnancy. By granting a woman the choice to decide what to do with her body, she can pursue her life goals.

With abortion being a human right, some women will be able to continue pursuing their careers until they are ready to have kids. This readiness will play a significant role in gender equality as women will get equal chances with men in their careers. When most women conceive and drop their careers, men keep on pursuing their carries education, whereas women have to stop, which makes men a better place than women. This situation leads to gender inequality as most men run smoothly and maintain their careers, education, business, etc., making more men than women being successful. If women are given the option to choose whatever they want to do with their bodies, the whole idea of gender

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