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Regenerative Agriculture: Introduced Drawdowns (Drawdown Org, Web)

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Regenerative Agriculture: Introduced Drawdowns (Drawdown Org, Web)

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Regenerative Agriculture
The drawdowns are one of the initiatives that were developed to enhance food production, equality, climate control among others. The drawdown projects were developed through consultation of various researchers, doctors and professionals. The drawdown project was developed to ensure a better world in the years to come. This paper focuses on regenerative agriculture, as one of the introduced drawdowns (Drawdown Org, web).
The regeneration agriculture is one of the best solutions that were introduced to help in climatic condition control. The net cost of the project is estimated to be fifty seven Billion USD and the net saving will possibly be about one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight billion dollars. The saving cost is calculated by estimation of the total amount that the project will save after it has been introduced while the cost is the amount required to take the project into action (Drawdown Org, web).
The solution is aimed at increasing the yield of the crops; ensuring that the soil covers has enough carbon for the crop production which is necessary for crop cultivation. Unlike the conventional agriculturalist who were in support that to increase crop yield to the maximum there is need of applying synthetic fertilizer and tilling, the regenerative agriculture have directly opposite methods of increasing soil yield. These methods include ensuring no tiring of the land, crop rotation, no application of chemicals such as synthetic fertilizer in the firm, cover crop as well as the abolishment of climatically hazardous pesticides. Using these methods will increase the carbon in the soil and hence encourage the general land production.
Statistical estimates say that about fifty percent of the soil carbon has been released into the atmosphere and hence it is a basic necessity to ensure that this carbon is back to the soil. Doing the above procedures to the soils will create positive advantages such as the water retention of the soil, vital microbes proliferate, roots go deeper, nutrient uptake improvement, plants become more resistant to pests and also increase the general yield of the plant hence the crops will always be at the best state. This project is important to farmers since as they have a chance to save the cost that is brought about by the following of the synthetic fertilizer and in addition ...
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