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Gender in Science: Contemporary and Scientific Considerations

Essay Instructions:

4. In God, Women and the New Physics, Wertheim reports on craniology as a scientific discipline. Explain what craniology is and what its supposed purpose is. Explain how craniologists argue for male intellectual superiority no matter what empirical evidence they use as the starting point for their arguments. Explain the objections that can be made against the various assumptions that craniologists make in their arguments, and why, as a scientific discipline, craniology appears to be misguided.

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Craniology entails the scientific measurement of the skull with the aim of measuring the size, shape and proportion of the skull in comparison to the body size. It also aims at interpreting the information from measuring the cranium. Wertheim reveals that during the mid-19th century, women were not allowed to mix with men freely in science. This was due to the fact that women were regarded to have low intellectual quotient as compared to men. He says, “The science and feminity were being constructed as opposite” (Wertheim 148). The practice was initiated in the 18th century when the critical thinkers and researchers wanted to establish the relationship between the characters of an individual with the shape of their cranium. It, therefore, ensures that mind works. Craniologists have been given the opportunity to explore the functionality of the mind in relation to the size of the brains thus they deal with the cranium of human beings. Also, they are able to situate variety of ups and downs in the skull, which helps in analyzing the personality of a person. Through the practice, we discover that the skull is made up several plates interlocking for instance the central frontal bone and the two parietal bones at the sides.
Purposes of Craniology
Craniology purposes at analyzing the relationship between the functioning of the human brains in relation to the size, shape, and proportion of the cranium. In addition, the science is crucial since it establishes the relationship between cerebral components and the cranial as well as expounding on the characteristics of neuroanatomy. The study profoundly deals with the evolution of large brains and their purposes in the relationship with the way animals behave. Through the practice, comparison of one size of the skull and the other has been realized. This has been achieved through the science of craniometry. Craniology has led to a more practical set of measurements which has enhanced statistical treatment of data. In addition, the information on cranial differences had been utilized extensively in the 18th century. The science facilitates comparisons to be made to the human population. We see the external difference of individuals from various parts of the globe which is reflected in cranial anatomy (Wertheim 149).
An argument on the superiority of men’s intellect
Craniologists argue that the intellectual level of a man is superior to that of a woman. The conclusion was deduced basing on size factor of the brains or skull. According to the...
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