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We Should Always Be Ready To Sacrifice And Give What We Can

Essay Instructions:

There are six questions on this sheet and just provide an answer for each of them. Each question needs at least 2 paragraphs. I will provide the readings you need for the questions. The 2 pages all should be answers.

PS: "EMP" means the book name " The Elementary of moral philosophy", and "RTD" means the book name " Right thing to do". I will give you their reading pdf and you can follow the pages number which worksheet questions provide.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Professor Name Course Date Worksheet According to Peter Singer, we should always give what we can and be ready to sacrifice the entire life as well as our wealth and everything we have. In Famine, Affluence, and Morality, he talked about the 1971’s incident when people were dying in East Bengal due to lack of shelter, medical assistance, and food. According to Peter Singer, it’s the right time when we come forward and prevent wrong from happening to those innocents. Using the examples of that time, he tries to justify his point, but sometimes sacrificing everything for others is impossible for us. Kantian's position is lesser demanding because of limited scope and confusing moral values. Scholars like Peter Singer and Onora O'Neill always try to connect the issues of world’s famine to our moral codes of ethics. O’Neill believes that we must fulfill the duties of justice and humanity because something uncertain can happen to us anytime, anywhere. She argues that Kantian ethics do not say anything about the moral statuses of unintentional actions. I feel that Peter Singer’s point of view is far better and valid than that of O’Neill thoughts and ideas because Peter does not ask us to sacrifice things outside of our scope; instead, he wants us to surrender whatever we have to prevent bad from happening. Rachels believes that euthanasia is not permissible as the dignity and self-respect of humans don’t depend on the amount of suffering they go through. In contrast, the utilitarian argument is that the more a person suffers or faces problems in his life, the better are his chances of achieving success and polishing his capabilities. In fact, dignity is inherent, and it has nothing to do with how much we suffer. So the idea of euthanasia is entirely wrong and is not based on evidence. Not only Rachels but also other scholars and writers argue with the utilitarian concept stating that it is not practical and should not be opted for at any cost. True compassion requires us to support and love one another, and it is a never-ending process. Foot wants to defend DDA in case 1, where a perso...
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