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My Footprint: Planets To Maintain Lifestyle

Essay Instructions:

This assignment involves taking an internet quiz and reporting on your findings. Go to: http://www(dot)myfootprint(dot)org/ and take the quiz. On no more than three double-spaced pages, analyze your results. Print out your test results or save them to your hard drive and send them to me along with your essay. First, tell me how many planets would be needed if everyone had your lifestyle (this will be obvious after you take the quiz). Then, analyze your results. Why do you think you received the score that you did? What would need to change to reduce your score? What are the political implications of your score? In other words, what can people and politicians do now to save our planet earth.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
My footprint
Planets to maintain lifestyle
According to the results of myfootprint.org score if everyone on the planet lived my lifestyle we would need 1.61 earths. This highlights that I need to change my footprint wile considering the consumption and biome categories.
The site highlights how much land would be necessary to support my lifestyle, and the calculation is based on the notion that an ecological footprint of each individual that is dependent on the use of Earth’s resources to support how they live, what they eat and move. My energy use contributed to the ecological footprint score, and when compared to the country’s average of 1.11 more earths is high, and when compared to the less industrialized countries it is even higher. I also think my choice of goods and services influenced the total ecological footprint and number of earths, as I look of cheap products regardless of their origin and even travel long distances to get my favorite products and services. Many goods tend to be packaged in plastics and this increases the level of waste and especially for products in small amounts and discarded old products.
Changes to reduce the score
The ecological footprint results are surprising and as a student, I am in a place where I can take action and influence others to reduce their carbon footprint as individual and collective efforts influences how resources are used. The biggest contributor of ecological footprint in the scores was goods and services, and shopping locally is one of the ways to reduce the footprint. Additionally, reusing and cycling materials will reduce waste as is buying the recycled products. I will also choose filtered and tap water over bottled water, which requires packaging and storage in plastic bottles.
Another component of wastage is recycling to reduce the waste generated and his includes recycling and reusing shopping bags, containers and scrap papers. Sustainable use of resources and living also extends to transportation and I have control to make changes, and where necessary I will walk rather than use private car transportation when the distances are short. The public transportation option is another activity that reduces carbon footprint as increasing the number of private cars is associated with high increased vehicle miles and carbon footprint.
The carbon footprint is a component of the ecological footprint that focuses on energy consumption, including natural gas, fossil-fuel electricity, and gasoline as well as food-and-water footprint. I can control my use of resources that affects the carbon footprint and use less energy when washing and drying clothes while using more energy-efficient bulbs. I have at times left plugged in electronics that are not in use, but will now seek to reduce unnecessary energy consumption and use minimal power equipment when necessary.
Political implications of my score
My score implies that sustainable use of resources should be used prioritized if I am to reduce my ecological footprint. Even before taking then to save the planet, it is necessary to raise awareness on ecological footprint. Typically, politicians focus on climate change mitigation efforts and citizens can urge action to ensure that there are carbon emission cuts and revising energy efficiency targets. The more people know about such actions they amore they are likely to be involved in efforts to reduce their carbon footprint.
The citizens should also petition the legislators to be more proactive to support sustainable development focusing on the social, economic and environmental aspects. The politicians can then address sustainability issues when the people raise concerns, while working with both private and public stakeholders will ensure that innovative solutions are impleme...
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