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Immigration Policy Essay Writing Assignment

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Immigration policy essay
An immigration policy is any law of a state that explains the movement of people across its borders into the state. It especially deals with those who wish to stay and work in the country (Hollifield, et al., P. 12). Each state has different immigration policies that range from very strict rules to very minimal laws. The United States is currently in the spotlight following the election of Donald Trump who majored his campaigns on immigration. The United States immigration policy is very complicated, and it has brought so much confusion as to how it is supposed to work. The Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA), a body which controls immigration law, states that the annual limit for immigrants stands at six hundred and seventy-five thousand with the exemption of close friends and family. With various reasons as to why immigrants come, there is need to establish a balance between being too strict and free immigration. This is because, some immigrants are forced by circumstances such as looking for greener pastures, to practice religion or escaping poverty and should, therefore, be given a voice there is, however, a very thin line for achieving this.
Enabling immigration policies that are strict can be seen as an advantage to the host nation as it improves the living standards of people. Immigrants in their mass numbers make up for the largest population of unskilled and semi-skilled labor which would otherwise be done by citizens of the country (Hollifield, et al., P.18). The minimum wage in the United States has been on the decline for over a decade. This has been contributed by the influx of people moving into the US leading to an excess supply of labor than the demand. This, however, can be reversed by enforcing immigration laws. This will make reduce immigrants and eventually there will be demand for unskilled labor, therefore, raising the cost and minimum wage payable. With no immigrants, there will be millions of jobs created in the United States which has a ripple effect on poverty, crime and living standards.
Breaking the law is a crime. Our immigration policy is there for the safety of all Americans. Their main aim is to protect our security, our culture, national sovereignty, our health and our standards of living. Imagine being in a country with no immigration policy. In any case, people with honest intentions would have patience awaiting processing of their papers. It is, therefore, paramount to establish strict rules to lock out immigrants with bad motives. They could pose a threat to the nation especially in an era where terrorism is on the rise. We cannot deny the fact that the United States has enemies, and these enemies believe that an attack...
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