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Philosophy 61 Exam, Part Two: Plato, Socrates

Essay Instructions:

question 1 is important !!!!

1. Given your readings this past semester, particularly in the dialogues of Plato ( The Republic, Apology and Gorgias), the tragedy, Antigone and Aristotle's Poetics on the tragedy, discuss in a three page essay, the definitions of Justice and how one can question of excellence/Virtue and why a definition of this is important , and finally why is it important to use ignorance and irony in an argument. You should look carefully at Badiou's Republic, the prologue, chapter 1 and chapter 9 and chapter 10 alongside the “Disciplines of the Mind and Body”, chapter 4 and chapter 5.

2. What is the allegory of the cave and what us its significance for education and enlightenment? Chapter 11 and chapter 12 of Badiou' s version of The Republic should help here. On the theory of ideas and the movement from mathematics to dialectics, you should have my diagram on the forms and ideas in Plato's Republic.

3. Use one par to interpret the following:

“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana

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Philosophy 61 exam, part two
Platonic dialogues are famous philosophical references widely read with the main character Socrates exploring different ideas. In the Republic, Plato uses Socrates as his mouthpiece to present his position on justice and how it relates to happiness. Socrates presents a cohesive argument defending a just life and a happy life. Socrates defines justice by referring to a state where all parts of the state operate to benefit the whole and the whole benefits the parts (Badiou 102).
Socrates elaborates his definition of justice using an example of a city. According to Socrates, the city has two classes; those who lead and those who serve. In this city; the leaders are special breeds with the good approach of ensuring that the weak are protected (Badiou 104). Leaders look at the interest of the people, not their own. Socrates caution leaders on the importance of limiting peoples' freedom, he believes that leaders should eliminate the animal instinct found in humans. This is important because it instills proper virtues. For a city to prosper, common laborers should be left in the dark on issues since their illusions of unjustness can inspire them to become unjust (Badiou 106).
According to Socrates, those in leadership positions need to have the political ability and philosophy. Leaders can only understand humanity as a whole through political processes and philosophy. To promote justice, a leader needs to combine political thought and philosophical ideas (Badiou 204). Leaders need to acquire important virtues like temperance, courage, and wisdom because all of them contribute to the excellence of the state. Therefore, justice is necessary for these other virtues to be visible (Badiou 117).
Socrates compares a state with the soul, stating that reason, passion, and the spirit, makes the soul lively. A just man is someone who lives in harmony. Therefore, justice health greatly depends on the order that governs the soul and how other parts operate as a whole. In this way, justice benefits a man inherently like good health (Badiou 136). A just person who experiences pleasure is aware that pleasure of knowledge is more beneficial than other like physical, illusory pleasures (Badiou 138). Everything people engage in should be done in moderation because richness corrupt humans, one can obtain virtue and justice by practicing moderation (Badiou 141).
Philosophical wisdom is the path to acquiring justice, having the power to overcome pleasures requires self-control meaning practicing everything in moderation (Badiou 215). According to Socrates, excellence of reason comes from wisdom, passion, and attributes like courage, spirit, and temperance. In summary, justice is an excellence that includes harmonious relations of the three parts. To experience justice, it is important that everyone fulfill his function without affection others (Badiou 145).
Ignorance and irony are commonly used to get to the bottom of the issues. At times we pretend not to know something and ask someone innocent questions (Futter 1031). People might not realize it, but many people employ Socratic irony to get to the bottom of issues. Practicing ignorance reveals errors in someone’s argument (Futter 1031). For example, in the Republic Socrates used weak arguments to show how weak these arguments are. Socrates gives the definition that is quite different from what he says. Socrates also employs irony to show Euthyphro his irrational moral pathos (Badiou 321). In the Apology, Socrates employs reason using ignorance and irony by pretending to know less than what he knew. Socrates uncovered peoples' attitude and beliefs through questioning to highlight their weakness and convince them to see the truth (Badiou 322).
Socrates uses irony to expound on the limited version of the truth before revealing more information. For example, in the Republic, Socrates claims that God creates the ideas which contradict his accoun...
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