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Belanger, Urton Eidetic Photomontage Life Sciences Essay

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Essay must be submitted in PDF format. Single-spaced lines in Calibri, Arial, or other approved font. Font sizes 10- 12pt are acceptable.

Essays should be 1-page in length. Text should focus on the critical analysis of the text. Quotes and re-quoting of text or others should be kept to a minimum, no more than 10-20% of the entire essay. (Please at lease put in two quotes from the text.) The essay must focus its attention on the reading, other outside sources may be brought in, but only as secondary information to the main discussion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Belanger and Urton Eidetic Photomontage
Photomontages reflect the juxtaposition of multiple images and creating a new whole, which has aspects of the original images and goes beyond the usual space and time. In using photomontages as the visual representations of digital landscape perspectives, the writers barely touched on how distortion of time and space depends on the source of the images from various photographic fragments. Photomontage is one of the landscape visualization techniques in current use for better digital visualization, but there may be fusion of various layers that the work lacks realism, yet creating and presenting reality on the landscape is crucial to understand the landscape context.
There are few researches on visual communication that focus on in-depth analysis on the use of photomontages in landscape architecture. The authors rightly highlighted that there is a need for peer-reviewed dialogue on visual communication (Belanger and Urton 113). However, representing landscape is complex, and there was a need to look into how function, meaning and form influence the choice of using photomontages this would have provided insights on whether the artists, designers, and landscape architects were successful in using photomontage to get the desired color and texture. Well-executed photomontages are more realistic, but the article only highlight that photomontages fail to express complex narratives, but the photomontages are modified photographs and cannot be expected to show the entire view of landscape scenes.
The mixed- method approach was sound and appropriate as the researchers sought to evaluate the relevance of photomontages and criticisms of their use in design process. There were 200 images of photomontage works that were rev...
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