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GEO 102 History of the Earth Term Paper. History of Earth Termences

Essay Instructions:

• Students will provide a final paper, ~3 pages of text (1.5 spacing not including citations), 1” margins

• Students will include a minimum of 5 citations (2 scientific peer-reviewed).

o Students should include any video or popular science references as well.

History of the Earth Term Paper

GEO 102

Strictly follow the requirement that I uploaded. This is my final paper, which is important for me. Appreciate.


The purpose of this assignment is the provide students an opportunity to explore any geologic topic of interest covered in this course. Topics should be of interest to the student and expand upon the content shared in lecture or lab.


Students are asked to select a geologically focused topic of interest. The scale of this system my range from geologic process to paleo-environmental to a particular taxa/species of interest.  Students should NOT just describe the system in a cursory manner (Dr. Ward or guest speakers have already done that).  Doing so will result in serious point deductions as term papers will be very un-interesting. 

Ex: Evolutionary changes in coral reef systems during the Paleozoic.

Ex: The biology of Tylosauros.



  • Students will provide a final paper, ~3 pages of text (1.5 spacing not including citations), 1” margins
  • Students will include a minimum of 5 citations (2 scientific peer reviewed).
    • Students should include any video or popular science references as well.
    • The paper should include the following elements:
      • An introduction describing the scope of your interest, including:
        • Background information critical to the understanding of your system of study
        • Why is the system of interest to you and others?
        • Is the system well studied?  It doesn’t have to be. . . but we would want to know.
        • Description of geologic or evolutionary/biologic significance of studying the system you have chose.
        • Depending on your chosen topic you can include the kinds of geological information (age, depositional setting, paleogeography, etc.) and biological information (evolutionary history, relationships, paleoecology, etc.) that we have discussed in class.
        • Illustrations are useful in some contexts, feel free to include them. . . please note that  an illustration does not count toward the text length.
        • Students should end the paper with a thoughtful discussion of how this system has changed through geologic time.  DO NOT simply talk about the system ending/changing, but be detailed where applicable.
        • Proper citations of both the article and any additional resources utilized.
        • DO NOT plagiarize . . . I will find out . . . I will fail you.  Also, do not choose the same topic as a friend this is asking for trouble.  Instead approach me about a larger collaborative term paper.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Continental Formation and Movements
The history of earth provides a wealth of information into how various features of the terrestrial planet came into the occurrence and continue to develop up to date. The continents, for instance, form one of the remarkable features raising diverse views or theories among scholars seeking to unveil underlying forces behind the phenomenal formation. The distinct landscapes coupled with natural occurrences such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes form a larger part of geological debates, studies, and discussion. Among the interesting features for geologist around the world is the continental drift and movement of the earth’s crust since its formation billions of years ago. The earth’s crust has over the years shifted its position leading to the continuous development of new landscapes and natural events leading to a quest for scientific deliberations and explanations on the same. Consequently, several theories and concepts emerged as various individuals sought to unveil the underlying reasons for the perceived continental drifts and its subsequent influences on different features and occurrences on earth. A comprehensive analysis of some of the existing theories behind continental drift is of importance towards understanding the forces behind the shaping the continents, their defining structural characteristics as well as the dispersion and occurrence of certain natural events.
An observation of the earth’s continent reveals some geometry between various continents suggesting that it was once attached. Geologists or rather the geographical analysis of the continental coastlines of South America and Africa, for instance, showcase the two continents fitting each other like pieces of a jigsaw CITATION Ben81 \l 1033 (Ben-Avraham). The German climatologist, Alfred Wegener, was among the first scholars to propose the continental drift theory as an explanation for the fitting jigsaw observation. According to Wegener, it was the movement of the earth’s crust that accounted for the positioning of the continents and the surrounding landscapes CITATION Weg12 \l 1033 (Wegener). The continental drift theory further suggested that the continents once formed part of a single landmass whose shifting over the years was responsible for its current positioning. Alfred Wegener’s proposal gained popularity and criticism in almost the same measure while also inviting extensive research into the movement of the earth’s crust since its formation CITATION Nal17 \l 1033 (Naliboff). Scholars across various scientific divides have come with equally distinct theories and concepts with supporting evidence as they seek to understand the phenomenon of continental formation and motion. Provided herein are some of the proposed indications behind the continental drift and the creation of continents as they stand with the aim of establishing the most convincing or rather unifying theory on the same. It is without a doubt that the formation of continents and its movements of over the 4.5 billion years of the earth’s history equally creates a lot of interest from the academic world across various disciplines. Alfred Wegener’s publication in 1915, The Origin of Continents and Oceans, was among the pioneer studies into the formation of continents and their motion over the years CITATION Weg12 \l 1033 (Wegener). Continental drift has since been the interest of a wide range of studies from different fields as all seek to provide an explanation or validate the shifting of the earth’s crust and its effects.
Nevertheless, a consensus seems to exist on the formation of the continent and its subsequent movements or shifts over the years. Scientists across the different fields find common ground on the fact that beneath the earth’s crust is a molten liquid or lava releasing convectional currents perceived to be the force behind the random shif...
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