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2 pages/≈550 words
Life Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Determination of Magnesium in Canned Meat and Fish

Essay Instructions:

I have to do a research proposal based on the topic above. I have to determine what method or experiment I have to use to achieve based on the topic above. I have to come up with a budget which the total project is $10,000. I already started on the proposal you can filled out the rest for me.

It includes: Project Summary, Introduction, Discussion, Results, Budget Narrative, Conclusion

I"m including my document of the proposal I started on, and a few references to help.

Here 2 other references



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Determination of Magnesium in Canned Meat and Fish
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Determination of Magnesium in Canned Meat and Fish
Project Summary
This research project examines the concentration levels of lead and mercury in canned fish and canned meat.  This proposal obtains information to experiment to determine how much mercury and lead in canned fish and canned meat can determine mercury and show concentration levels. This study will determine the different lead and mercury concentrations using High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).  
Canning is one of the most efficient preservation methods. It can be applied to package food in containers. The purpose of this method is to preserve extending its useful life. According to Science Direct, the canning method "annihilates autolytic enzymes and microorganisms and is a good option for preserving food to take out during times of need” (Kalpana & Rajeswari, 2019). Even though canning can be a good option for preserving food, it can also be a bad option. Canning can result in the loss of water-soluble nutrients that can end in nutrients that may get lost in the liquid provided in the can.
Canning is perceived as the most efficient method that can be used in the storage of foods. Canned meat and fish represent a large share in the food market. Despite the nutritional value offered by canned meat and fish, they also contain chemical contaminants that can potentially damage human organs and lead to numerous health complications (Kowalska et al., 2020). In this regard, the concentration of heavy metals such as lead and mercury in canned fish and meat must be established. Although there is no direct ranking on the toxic level of metals, it is known that a higher concentration of these heavy metals within the body leads to organ damage and other complication. Some of the heav...
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