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Climate Change Life Sciences Essay Research Coursework

Essay Instructions:

Debate Project

Similar to your Milestones the Debate Project will consist of four sections. You MUST label each section, Section 1, Section 2, Section 3 and Section 4. Each section should be at least 6 sentences in length.

Your completed Debate Project must be based on information found in at least three peer reviewed sources. No in-text citations are necessary. These sources along with any others you used must be listed on a separate Works Cited Page. Any format is acceptable (MLA, APA). Sources cannot simply be hyperlinks.

Section 1: What is meant by Anthropogenic Climate Change?

What human activities have contributed to warming temperatures?

What gases are primarily responsible or may be concern in the future?

Section 2: Explain and state your position on Climate Change – Believer, Denier or Confused.

Describe and support your position using information from research you have completed.

Section 3: Explain the contradictory argument for your side and why you still have your stance. For example, if you are a Climate Change Denier, explain why you have this stance even though there may be evidence for Climate Change. If you are a Believer, what is the evidence for denying Climate Change. If you are Confused, choose either Believer of Denier.

Section 4: Conclude with a wrap up your main ideas and explain why it is important to be knowledgeable about Climate Change and describe possible future impacts that may occur.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Climate Change
Section 1
Anthropogenic climate change is the long-term increase in temperature within the earth's atmosphere due to human agriculture and industry (Saunois et al. 1). Human activities contributing to climate change include farming livestock, burning fossil fuels, and cutting down forests. These activities have caused a rapid increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases within the atmosphere. Some gases in the atmosphere act like glass in a greenhouse. They trap the sun's heat, creating a concentration of warmth within the earth (Khan 34). Although most gases occur naturally, human activity increases their concentration within the atmosphere. The result is what is known as the greenhouse effect. The gases that are primarily concerned with the cause of the greenhouse effect include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and fluorinated gases. The gas that is likely to be a major concern in the future is carbon dioxide. It is the most commonly produced gas. Also, it is responsible for 64% of global warming (Khan, 35).
Section 2
Over the years, I have never paid much attention to the issue of climate change. This was until recently when I learned about the devastating effects of animal agriculture on climate change. Through this eye-opening experience, I became a believer in the fight to stop climate change. We are reducing our chances of survival on this planet through a lot of human activity. So, there is a need to revisit the way we as humans live. This issue needs to be taken very seriously because already powerful countries such as the United States (U.S.) are abandoning efforts geared towards controlling climate change. This can be seen in America's latest departure from The Paris Agreement (Zhang et al. 213). Without the support of powerful countries such as the U.S., climate change efforts are doomed, and so is our existence. Therefore, I think that every country should take the issue of climate change seriously. T...
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