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The Value of Fair Treatment in the Workplace

Essay Instructions:

You have been hired as a management consultant by a large company to examine the company's business decisions regarding employee protections and situations of wrongful termination. The applicable laws are federal and state anti-discrimination laws, federal and state health and safety laws, and employer firing practices related to the employment-at-will (EAW) doctrine.

In response to the three questions below, write a 4 to 6-page paper in which you do the following:

1. Provide two (2) pieces of legislation that helps to protect employees from discrimination in the workplace today. Be precise as to the law and how it helps to protect employees and substantiate your answers.

2. Explain the Employment-at-Will Doctrine – what it is and what it says and all the possible exceptions that help to keep employees from being fired wrongfully/illegally. Then, look at the scenarios below and determine first – should (ethically) the employee be fired and second – legally, is there an EAW exception that the employee could argue would save their job and what is it and justify your answer and argument:

2a. JoAnn, a manager, started a blog on the company website for employee grievances and problems. She noticed that a worker was protesting that allegedly, no Asian American employees had gotten a raise in two years at the company. Christine, the employee, also criticized how much CEO Elon had made last year and how he was "out of touch" with the realities of his employees. JoAnn reminded Christine that she was an employee-at-will. The next day, Christine talked to her fellow co-workers about forming a union. JoAnn fired Christine and Christine is suing for wrongful termination.

2b. Steven, a department supervisor, fires his secretary, Ann. Ann is a devout Christian and has been putting Right-to-Life flyers in the employee breakroom. Steven talked to Ann twice and reiterated her actions were not appropriate. Ann continued to leave the pamphlets and was also taking time away from work to pray at her desk during the busiest times of the morning. Ann is suing for wrongful termination.

2c. Brian, the head of the accounting department, refuses to sign Lori's leave request for jury duty during tax season, specifically the week of April 15. Lori is a tax attorney in his department. Brian tells Lori it is the company’s busiest time of year, and she cannot be granted leave. Brian fires Lori when she fails to show up for work that week. Lori is suing for wrongful termination

2d. Paul has worked for Widgets Inc. for one year and has a rare form of liver disease. Paul works with chemicals that make his condition worse and he is coughing constantly in the workplace. Paul wants to continue to work but his boss, Jay is not happy with his performance or the progression his disease is having on him and fellow employees. Jay fires Paul for his “own good.” Paul sues for wrongful termination.

3. Determine what employers must do when hiring new employees, in compliance with federal law, and whether your home state allows for worker’s compensation benefits to those undocumented who are not legally allowed to work in the United States. Advocate for or against this practice and substantiate your response with research to support your position.

Include at least three quality references.

Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides

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Value of Fair Treatment in the Work Place
In the workstations, everyone has the right to be treated legally. To have such behavior of ensuring everyone in the workplace is accorded fairness, you must have been taught some of these values. Being the newly hired consultant manager by the VELT group of companies, I must ensure that employees are fair in the workstations. Justice will be in terms of protecting rights and where contracts are terminated wrongfully.
My role in this company will be to examine how the company is implementing employee protection. Having such a significant role, I will succeed by applying some of the strategies I have seen working through my experience in this field. In protecting employees’ rights and freedoms, there must be legislation methods that can be used. One is that organizations such as Employer firing practices relating to employment-at-will doctrine should be given the full mandate by legislative authorities of ensuring they take actions on those embracing discrimination of employees. Such an act will help most companies deviate from employees' bias. Enforcement of such a law requires that all interrelated departments emphasize it. Another way employees are protected is by using federal and state antidiscrimination laws. (Workman-Stark, Angela, 98). These laws ensure that the owners of those companies who are caught up with discrimination cases can be arrested and charged in their capacity and not as a company. Such legislation is almost equal to unlimited liabilities. Owners of the company have no protection when it comes to discrimination of employees.
In employment, there is a doctrine used to guide how employees should be undertaken. Employment at-will doctrine refers to an agreement in profession saying that a career is for an unknown period and when it will come to an end. Termination of employment may either be done by the employer or employee, and it should be considered a viable contract when engagement is agreed at will. Even though the employment contracts contain at-will-act, some reasons might make termination of the contract wrong. Any other reasons can be used to terminate the contract by either the employer and employee apart from when it is illegal. No consequences can be undertaken to the employer when he/she decides to terminate a-t will contract without any prior information or notice. In this law, when an employee is considered and recognized as an employee, the court always denies you any claim resulting from dismissal in the workplace. In this bargaining contract, some factors must be included, for example, Misconduct, unsatisfactory performance, and an economic necessity.
As a matter of ethics, employees should not be fired because they are working at will. We can tell that from the text wherein one occasion Christine tried to criticize the company had gotten out of the reality of employees. JoAnn tells her that she is an employee at will. (Hillebrandt et al., 1164) The next moment Christine is noticed, and later on, she sued the company for wrongful termin...
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