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Law Essay: Should we continue war on drugs?

Essay Instructions:

1. Thesis Statement(10%)

2. Organized Argument(45%)

3. Conclusion(10%)

4. Overall writing quality(15%)

5. Proper Citations(10%)

6. Use of outside supporting material(10%)

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War on Drugs
Drug trafficking is a global concern and not just a problem for Americans. Drug trafficking entails the manufacturing and distribution cultivation and the sale of prohibited substances. Globalization has opened the roots for smuggling drugs to various parts of the world.  It's a booming business run by a globally interconnected network of criminal web that have mastered the art of evading police dragnet. Advanced economies such as the US provide a viable market for drug traffickers across the globe that plays a major role in sustaining the industry. Presently efforts on drug wars include anti-drug campaign, increased militarization, and policy development to prohibit the distribution, production, and consumption of psychoactive drugs. The UN has been at the forefront in pushing the declaration of illegal drugs and pushing for government participation. The war on drugs is supported by genuine and logical reasons, but dissidents tend to believe it's a waste of time and has more deleterious effects. 
Deterrence of Drug-Related Crimes
The war on drugs is a strategic way of fighting crimes. According to Puyana et al., most horrific crimes committed in the US involved at least a case of drug addiction any involvement (312). Drug consumption reduces one’s ability to think rationally. Shortage of drugs in the market would imply lessened access to illegal drugs. The proliferation of drugs in the market directly impacts the nature and the volume of crimes committed in a country. Access and affordability of drugs could be attributed to the relaxation of rules on the sale of drugs. Without the two, the public will not experience hallucinations and highs that drive consumers into crime commission. The inclusion of highly punitive and stringent measures discourages the distribution and sale of drugs as well as consumption. The relatively rapid upsurge of substance abuse in America could be attributed to high prospects of profit generation compared to risks involved. Like every other market, involvement in drug sales, and consumption followers cost-benefit analysis of participation (Jacques, and Wim n.p). An increase in risks and costs of involvement would know that would deter by rendering involvement high-risk venture and unworthy of efforts. These stringent measures could increase costs such as higher possibilities of arrest, conviction, and most severe punishments.
Punishment of Culprits
The operative nature of criminal law is that an individual can only be punished for an act designated as such in the penal code. The war on drugs would set the stage for prohibiting many acts that foster the drug industry's growth. Without clarifying a number of facets deemed as involvement, such as the amount allowable the degree of potency, the age limit, and the type of activities such as distribution and manufacturing, it will be difficult to curb the growth of drug trade industry. An effective law must clarify the range of punishable activities and the appropriate punishment. The punishment imposed should be commensurate to the gravity of the crime at hand. Crime abettors, for instance, should necessarily receive lesser punishment compared to the actual culprit. That notwithstanding, the stakeholders in the industry need to understand that punishment, a severe one in this case, awaits them. This would give them an issue to rethink before embroiling in different stages of the illegal drug trade. As discussed earlier, a better law should bear some degree of deterrence value.
Counter Arguments
Heightened Risk for Security Officers
A face-off between the security offices and the drug lords carry a death risk. The illegal drug trade industry is run by a dangerous network of criminals who have their own army of goons, which care less about the loss of life in drug bust shootouts. Unlike the police personnel, this army is constituted of drug addicts incapable of making rational decisions and only understands the language of killing. Precisely put, they are better ...
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