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American Government Analysis Essay

Essay Instructions:

You need to make sure you answer the essay questions as thoroughly as possible. The answer must be in sentence and paragraph format, no outlines. You need full sentences and college level writing (few, if any, writing errors). You will probably find the essay at least 1 1/2 pages. No plagiarism accepted.

Answer the following questions:

Define political participation. Discuss the types of participation. What purpose do elections play in our democracy? Discuss the types of elections in America. Discuss the advancement of suffrage in the United States. (Amendments) Discuss the reasons why America has such a low voter turnout compared to other countries. What are some potential reforms which might increase turnout? Should we be concerned about our current turnout level? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Define political participation.
Political participation refers to volunteer work done by the public in order, either directly or indirectly influencing the selection of policymakers, to influence public policy (Milbrath, 55). These include, contacting authorities, petitioning, demonstrating and collaborating with others on questions.
Discuss the types of participation
* More powerful players are frequently utilized to legitimize growth plans by nominal participation. The desire for inclusion involves less powerful individuals. However, it is only a show and does not alter.
* Instrumental participation views community involvement as a means to a stated purpose typically through making effective use of community members' talents and expertise in the execution of a project.
* Representative participation means providing people of the community voices on projects or policies that impact them in the process of decision-making and execution. For stronger representative involvement, the likelihood of sustainability rises; for less powerful, it may provide the opportunity to leverage their intervention.
What purpose do elections play in our democracy?
Elections equip individuals with political education and guarantee that democratic administrations respond to the public's will. They are also used to legitimize people who exercise power, a role even in some way carried out by non-competitive elections.
Elections help strengthen the political community's stability and credibility. Electors connect people to each other, as do national vacations remembering shared experiences, and so reaffirm the vitality of the public (Wojtasik,27). As a consequence of these elections, social and political integration is facilitated.
Elections are designed to make themselves more up-to-date by confirming the value and dignity of people as individuals. Whatever else the electorate needs, voter turnout will enhance self-esteem and respect for oneself.
Types of elections in America
* State Elections. Elections for state government positions or electoral initiatives. These include positions like the Governor, the Lieutenant-Governor, and...
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