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What is plural executive? What is a single executive model? Law Essay

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What is a plural executive? What is a single executive model?
The Executive is one of the three branches of a government. The executive branch is mandated to administer laws enacted by the legislature. Based on power distribution, there exist two types of executive branches; plural and single executive. The two executive branches have been subject to debates regarding their suitability and effectiveness. As a result, this paper seeks to give an overview of the two models of the executive.
In the plural executive model, executive power is vested in more than one elected individual. Historically, this executive model was used in ancient Rome by vesting the executive power in the two consuls. In Texas, executive power is vested in the governor, the lieutenant governor, the attorney general, controller of public accounts, commissioner of the general land’s office, commissioner of agriculture office, etc. These individuals are elected through a popular vote thus are independent of the governor’s influence (Jones, 2016). As a result, the governor’s power in Texas is limited compared to other governors in the United States.
The reasoning behind this type of executive is to diffuse the power of the executive branch. Therefore, decision making is subject to consent from all the executive members. Consequently, as a result of limited power, citizens do not excessively depend on the executive branch. A major drawback to the plural executive model is that it lacks cohesion because the elected official may pursue their individual goals. Furthermore, due to a long decisio...
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