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Policy Brief Netherlands Foreign Affairs Council Is A Foreign Minister

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As the foreign minister of the Netherlands, address the issue of the civil war in Libya. 

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Policy Brief
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One of the most significant security challenges Netherlands experiences is it's near abroad in the collapse of Libya following the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 that was facilitated by NATO-led intervention. Additionally, the county is also spilled into competing for center of powers (McNamara, 2015). Currently Netherlands is supporting Libya to become a stable function country, some of the support offered to Libya include support for a political transition and the provision is significant bilateral economic assistance, humanitarian support, and extensive cooperation to control migration flows from and through Libya to the country (Yordanov, & Chervenyashka, 2014). The Netherlands has close links with the world around us. This brings us huge benefits, including economic prosperity, although it also involves risks like terrorism, refugee flows and climate change often affects the country as well. Through international cooperation we can tackle such problems and strengthen our economy as well as that of other countries.
My role in a simulated crisis meeting of the Netherlands Foreign Affairs Council is a foreign minister. Over the past few years, Netherlands foreign and security policies have gradually developed. This has enabled the country to speak and act when it comes to world affairs. Netherlands foreign ministry seeks to promote international cooperation. Therefore my goals are preserving peace and strengthening the International security and developing and consolidating democracy, respect, the rule of the law and the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
The negotiation simulates a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council by bringing together national foreign ministers under the presidency of the High Representative. Additionally, some of The EEAS is supposed to attend the meeting to support the HR/VP and advice on the range of instruments available to Netherlands, including restrictive measures. Additionally, The meeting will also debate all important issues pertaining to the Netherland’s response, with the objective of reaching an agreement in the format of an official instrument at the Council’s and the disposal of the Commission. Some of the decision made requires unanimous agreement between member states. Of maximum 3 minutes. The opening statement of the meeting takes a minimum of three minutes.
The discussion will revolve around Netherlands common foreign and security Policy priorities like efficient, multilateralism and global legal order. Some of the main themes that I plan to put across are the solutions to Libya crisis through territory exchange and trade agreements and negotiations. My main goals are security, prosperity, justice and Dutch nationals abroad...
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