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4th amendment Law Essay Research Coursework Term Paper

Essay Instructions:

Imagine you are the judge. Produce a well-written essay explaining why and how the judge would rule. ( write in 3rd person)

Do not waffle on your decision.

Do not imagine a part of the scenario that is not there.

Rule based on the facts as presented.

Make sure you fully explain your decision based on precedent, rules of law, 4th amendment concepts, etc.

Be clear to state a thesis at the start of your paper, name all the evidence that you will be talking about and breakdown each evidence into their own paragraphs. Stay on track keep your paper flowing and organized.

Read the scenario attached and use the notes to explain why the decision of each evidence -

Evidence : Make sure to explain with more details from the scenario what happened / make sure to use the case laws in the notes provided

1. Mickey being arrested / pat down and cocaine found on him = admissible

2. Notebook found in Mickey backpack = inadmissible

3.Goofy recognizing Pluto's name from an reliable informant / search warrant and cocaine and packaging found in Pluto's home = admissible

4.Illegal guns found in the back of a closet in pluto's home = Inadmissible

5. Police Car chase and arrest and car search of Pluto and Porky = admissible

Essay Sample Content Preview:
4th Amendment (Name, Page Number)
This essay discusses the judge's possible ruling based on the evidence of Mickey's arrest, the retrieved notebook in his backpack, Goofy's recognization of Pluto's name, the illegal guns in Pluto's home, and lastly, the police car chase and arrest of Pluto and Porky. Admissible evidence is most preferred in court trials because of its relevance and competence compared to inadmissible evidence. However, it is possible to dismiss relevant evidence if it is found to be incompetent. The Fourth Amendment protects one from searches and seizures that the law finds unreasonable, except in cases of private investigators or suspicious persons. The defendant would challenge the police actions of allegedly violating their constitutional rights. The state would defend the act as reasonable when they can prove that the evidence is a violation of the Constitution.
Based on Mickey's arrest, being pat-down, and the cocaine found on him, the court finds the evidence admissible, making Mickey guilty. Due to the court's evidence, Mickey entered a dressing room at Jenkins Jamboree and Grocery and was seen on camera pouring a white powder onto a mirror, which was later discovered to be cocaine. As the police pat him down, they found cocaine in Mickey's pocket. The Fourth Amendment does not stop security guards from taking on a law enforcement action. Donald did not breach any rule when he reported to the police what he saw. After all, Donald's duty as a security guard was to monitor the videos from the installed CCTV cameras following the continued instances of shoplifting. The police retrieved cocaine from Mickey, not after searching him, but as they patted him down, which is allowed by the Plain View Doctrine. In this case, because Donald did what the officer told him, the Fourth Amendment would not incriminate him. According to the Plain View Doctrine, Goofy was not wrong to conduct a warrantless seizure mainly because the arrest was lawful. As mentioned by the Supreme Court, an officer can seize contraband detected through a sense of touch or just feeling. It was a result of touching Mickey while patting him down that Goofy found cocaine on him. Meaning, there was no unreasonable touching hence the reason the evidence was admissible.
On the retrieved notebook in Mickey's backpack, the court finds the evidence inadmissible. The reason is that on the exceptions that require probable cause, the officer ought to seize the item contemporaneously with the arrest. The fact that the officer did this much later while at the police headquarters makes this sear...
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