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The Hacktivism

Essay Instructions:

Consider the legal and ethical concerns surrounding hacktivism.

A 2021 U.S. News & World Report article discusses how a new wave of hacktivism is adding a twist to cybersecurity woes. At a time when U.S agencies and companies are fighting off hacking campaigns originating in Russia and China, activist hackers looking to make a political point are reemerging.

The government’s response shows that officials regard the return of hacktivism with alarm. An acting U.S. Attorney was quoted as saying, “Wrapping oneself in an allegedly altruistic motive does not remove the criminal stench from such intrusion, theft, and fraud.”

A counterintelligence strategy released in 2020 stated, “ideologically motivated entities such as hacktivists, leaktivists, and public disclosure organizations, are now viewed as ‘significant threats’, alongside five countries, three terrorist groups, and transnational criminal organizations.”

Previous waves of hacktivism, notably by the collective known as Anonymous in the early 2010s, have largely faded away due to law enforcement pressure. Now a new generation of youthful hackers, angry about how the cybersecurity world operates and upset about the role of tech companies in spreading propaganda, is joining the fray.

Research hacktivism, and write a one-page paper that answers the following questions:

Is hacktivism an effective political tool?

Did any of the hacktivists you researched go too far?

Can hacktivism ever be justified?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Hacktivism
Hacktivism represents the gradually growing wave of activists that integrate hacking techniques as their approaches to reshaping politics and expressing their views about diverse issues at the national or global level. Karagiannopoulos indicates that despite being controversial due to the skepticism about the ethics or morality of the groups involved, the truth is that hacktivism is now a reality in the contemporary era, playing a significant role in the political and social issues arena (10). Thus, uncertainties persist about whether hacktivism is an effective political tool and whether one can justify their actions or not.
Hacktivism is an effective political tool because its approach mirrors civil disobedience experiences in different countries in the past that brought about fundamental changes in laws and freedoms for the people. For instance, Karagiannopoulos unearth critical duties met by these movements, including creating awareness to the masses about concealed political injustices by publicizing them and sensitizing the engaged actors (69). The exposures also motivate people to react against political unfairness and compel their representatives to rectify the exposed mistakes by enacting appropriate policies. In this context, hacktivism arises as a transformative political w...
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