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Alan Turing and the Significance of Codes and Electronic Computation

Essay Instructions:

Journal Response #2: Codes

Address a question about the course material from the Module 2 of the course (Codes)

Write a 250-word paragraph

Correctly cite at least one sentence from an assignged test


Write a paragraph of 250 words reflecting upon and responding to the themes and readings of the Codes Course Module. In your paragraph, give your interpretation of some question relating to the significance of codes and electronic computation

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Journal Response #2 Codes
Turing’s formulation of computation transforms our understating of machines and what they are capable of through inventing the theoretical machine that could resolve any problem explained by simple commands encoded on a paper tape. Turing solved a problem for mathematicians who were trying to ascertain if any specified mathematical statement could be demonstrated to be true or false via a step-by-step process of what is termed an algorithm today (Copeland 520). Turing solved the challenge by visualizing a machine with an interminably long tape. The tape is shielded with symbols that input commands into the machine, directing it to how to influence other symbols. Hence, this worldwide Turing machine is a mathematical model of today’s contemporary computers (Turing 25). Turing identified that some mathematical issues could not be resolved by an algorithm, placing an essential constraint on the computation power (Petzold 10). In addition, during WWII, the British required mathematicians to crash the German navy’s Enigma code (Weber par.1).
Turing was employed at Bletchley Park, where codebreaking was an industrial routine. Turing made an electromechanical machine termed the Bombe that perused via the permutations, and as WWII ended, the British could read all the British daily German maritime enigma traffic (Hodges 106). Turing’s discovery shortened the war and saved several lives. After WWII, Turing continued developing his thoughts on computer science (McKay 2). He described a process called the Turing test to ascertain if a machine could copy human dialogue (Moor 15). This became a primary component of the artificial intelligence (AI) field. Turing suggested that a computer can be indicated to have AI if it can copy human replies under particular circumstances. The initial Turing test needs three terminals, each physically detached from the other two (Korukonda 245). One terminal is the computer operation, while humans operate the other two. Irrespective of the debate on the significance of the Turing test ...
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