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Technologies: How Can Cyberbullying Be Detrimental To Someone’s Life?

Essay Instructions:

Goals: Review the MLA style, Works Cited Page Procedures, and research then write an informative research paper on a controversial topic.


1. Find at least three sources concerning the issue of Cyberbullying. These can be in any form of information: a website article, an appropriate video, a newspaper article, etc. I have started you with some articles. This is a really good website to start your research but should NOT be the only one used https://www(dot)stopbullying(dot)gov/

2. Use these sources to convince your peers how detrimental Cyberbullying can be to anyone. Some may feel that Cyberbullying is a harmless prank and will not hurt a person. Argue the point that this topic should be taken seriously and even be addressed through the legal system.

Use these questions as a guideline of how to begin:

• How can Cyberbullying be detrimental to someone’s life?

• Should Cyberbullying be considered a crime? Why or why not?

• Personally, have you or anyone you know been cyberbullied?

• Share a true story that you have found online or know from personal experience where Cyberbullying has affected someone’s life.

3. Write a proper essay stating your opinion. Use specific facts from the articles you find to help support your thoughts. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Tutor Course Date Cyberbullying Introduction With the advent of the technology, bullying has escalated to a new level. Unlike in the past when bullying was associated with schools and public places such as bus stops, cyber-bullying or online bullying has become more prevalent due to the popularity of social media platforms (Hirsch). Cyberbullying presents a huge problem because it does not depend on the geographical location, such as within the school, but may occur anytime and anywhere (Common Sense Media). According to a survey conducted by Ditch the Label, approximately 47 percent of young individuals receive negative profile comments, whereas 62 percent receive abusive private text messages through the applications in smartphones (BullyingUk). Effects of Cyberbullying Cyber-bullying has adverse effects on the victims (Stopbullying.gov). Cyberbullying affects different aspects of the lives of the victims and it is a constant source of worry and distress. Victims may start isolating themselves from other people because they feel embarrassed about a particular text or photo about them that was posted on social media (Hirsch). Long-term, frequent or severe online bullying usually leaves both the victim and the bully at a higher risk of depression, anxiety and other disorders related to stress. Consequently, the academic performance of a student may be severely affected. In some cases, victims may resort to committing suicide. Researchers assert that both the victims and bullies are at a higher risk of contemplating or committing suicide. Moreover, the cyber-bully may be suspended from the school or dismissed from the sports teams (Hirsch). Although the victims may suffer a great deal of stress...
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