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The Direct and Indirect Stakeholders for PowerPoint

Essay Instructions:


You did a really good job last time my friend.

This time is about UI design.

I have a bad UI design web page for you:


You can look up this, and see if you have any ideas that is related to the topic

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Analysis and Design Report
With the passage of time, the use of PowerPoint slides has increased in almost all walks of life. From schools to offices and from hospitals to our own homes, PowerPoint is used in one way or the other. People depend on it for not only making attractive and professional slides but also for developing a website. This technology is extensively used to create the layout of different sites, and many of its versions have been released so far, with improved features, characteristics, and functionalities. Despite the fact that PowerPoint slides or presentations have started dominating almost all industries, the way this software is used is still at the basic level. first of all, various people especially students do not know how to update the templates of this software and how to use it to create basic blogs and advanced types of websites. The currently available templates and designs of PowerPoint look basic to me, and I feel that this is the time to add more and more colors, patterns, designs, styles and templates to its gallery. I have chosen Microsoft PowerPoint for my project since people have various misconceptions regarding the usefulness of this software. Created and presented by Dennis Austin and Robert Gaskins, Microsoft PowerPoint was first released in April 1987 for Macintosh computers only (Wempen 649). Later on, several companies tried to acquire PowerPoint, but Microsoft paid up to $13 million for its sole rights. The software was initially designed for providing visuals for group presentations only, and it eased the lives of various businessmen. However, with time, students and even the housewives began using the program. Today, Microsoft PowerPoint has become one of those very few programs or software that every individual uses to display information in the form of images or multimedia texts. For this purpose, a handful of options are made available to the users. I feel that the update, a more advanced version is now needed.
The Direct and Indirect Stakeholders for PowerPoint
The direct stakeholders for PowerPoint are students, housewives, web designers and developers, businesspeople, and software engineers. It has been observed that these people rarely complain about the limited number of features of Microsoft PowerPoint. For example, if a student is using the software, he may keep using the same set of templates, font styles, and colors again and again and will rarely ask for more. Maybe, he wants to save his time in this regard or does not have anything to complain about (Wempen 32).
Similarly, if we talk about businesspeople, it can be said that they use PowerPoint presentations to target new customers worldwide. For a businessman, a powerpoint presentation is an excellent way to teach new things to his employees visually, but the problem is he rarely thinks of revising the Microsoft PowerPoint version installed in his computer system, tablet or laptop. The goal of direct stakeholders of this software is just to create presentations to be presented to the target individuals.
As far as its indirect stakeholders are concerned, it can be said that many people, especially the webmasters, designers, and developers are not satisfied with the current number of options. In order to determine who the direct stakeholders are and who are the indirect stakeholders of the software, I conducted an online survey using Survey Monkey. The research I conducted for this purpose was short-term, and the link to the survey was sent to over 2,000 potential respondents t...
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