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Attacking a CrowdFunding Enterprise

Essay Instructions:

Project Overview The purpose of this project is to design a penetration test that will emulate a real-world scenario in which data theft is the hacker’s goal. To design the attack, you will utilize the above network map and information. You will determine the type of business you have been hired to attack along with the type of data the business possess (i.e. intellectual property, trade secrets, crown jewels, customer data, employee data, payment card data, etc.). Project Deliverables  Type of business you are attacking ( Financial institution, any of your choice) o i.e. what does the business do / the business industry  Overall attack objective o What you’re trying to accomplish o Why you selected this type of business to attack o The data you’re going after o Why you’re going after that data / the significance of the data / what you can do with the data  One of the following items must be attacked during the course of your pen test: o o Small Data Center  You must leverage one attack to gain an entry point that will allow you to pivot to another system. Make sure to describe the details of the pivot in length in your paper.  Attack should originate from an end user’s laptop or desktop that is connected to the network.  At least 3 unique attack methods must be used. o You can use the attack methods repeatedly as needed in order to pivot across the network to achieve the attack goal. But you must use at least 3 unique attack methods. Page 5  Discuss each attack at length. The description of EACH attack should describe: o Attack objective o Expected attack response (success or failure) o Type of attack and tool(s) used o Expected barriers (security elements standing in your way, etc.) o Details of how the barriers are defeated (or why they weren’t defeated) o Why the attack succeeded or failed o Details of how this successful attack allows you to move on to the next attack o Data stolen o Where the stolen data resided (i.e. the system or server) o Significance of stolen data o Security upgrade recommendations to prevent future attacks You can make assumptions to what and how the listed security elements have been applied to the network structure in the image above. I would expect you to be fair in this assumption, so not having any or few security elements in place I will not grade those well. I would suggest that 75% to 80% of the listed security elements should be implemented to some degree. The more challenging you make it the more you will learn. Each attack must be researched to determine the correct setup and expected results of the attack. The expected results will also be researched. Any additions or updated security features must have research as well. Project Format You will use a business style template of your choosing for your project. DO NOT use the student course template (-20 points if you do) • The body of the project will be a minimum of 7 pages (including the introduction and conclusion) o The body of your project will include be a discussion of the project deliverables and items listed above o Each body paragraph must have a minimum of 1 in-text citation with the exception of the introduction and conclusion paragraphs o MLA formatting for all citations and work cited page o If you use Word to track your citations and use all the bibliography fields you should have correct in-text citations and Work Cited page. Page 6 • Work cited page will begin on the next page following the conclusion o Body of project with introduction and conclusion paragraphs (7 Pages) o Citations Page (One or More Pages) • The use of images is allowed if it is required to confirm a point or attack but should not exceed 25% of the page. No more than 4 images can be used

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Project: Attacking a CrowdFunding Enterprise
Type of Business
The type of business being attacked in this report is a crowdfunding website enterprise, much like GoFundMe, Kickstarter, Patreon, Indiegogo, and Seed Invest. The purpose of a crowdfunding website is to provide a platform where private individuals present their project ideas and targets, and private investors around the globe invest in the concept. The investments include purchasing the product or service on pre-order or contributing money to the project. Among the highest crowdfunded projects include EOS, an Ethereum-based product that amassed over $4 billion (Rooney). Another is the video game Star Citizen which got over $500 million on Kickstarter. The least funded projects still manage to make thousands of US dollars. The crowdfunding platforms have numerous forms of valuable data such as intellectual property ideas, customer data, financials, angel investors data, and the company's escrow.
Attack Objective
This attack aims to gain access to the data center from a high-level employees access account via the core. The starting point will be accessing an employee's account in the medium-sized building, which should allow access into the core and then the database or databases that house the information. The information will include employee information, intellectual property on ideas and projects, the company’s escrow account access, angel investor’s data, and the customer’s personal financial information and accounts. To begin the attack, I will start with reconnaissance to identify the most vulnerable high-access employee. Secondly, I will carry out a scan to determine their individual weakness, and the infiltrate once I get access. This will include sustaining the attack for as long as possible while fighting off the information technology department's defenses against the attack. It should take at least once a week to 48 hours to gain 40% of the data and another 72 hours to achieve more than 90% of the information.
Type of Data to Get
Intellectual property is precious; in this case, these are original ideas yet to hit the market. The start-ups usually look for investors to fund their prototypes, and if one can beat them to the punch, one has the upper hand. The employees' data is important to understand who is in charge of what aspect of the system. Gaining access to the escrow will be important to find out how much is stockpiled and be able to transfer it to your system. Additionally, gaining customers' financial information includes personal accounts such as wire transfer bank accounts, PayPal, credit, and debit cards. Similarly, this will include investors' financial information, including how much they have in their accounts and how they transfer the money into the enterprise. With these data, one can access personal accounts to transfer funds into one's personal system. The source of the attack will be my high-specification personal computer with AMD Ryzen 9 5900x processor for multitasking and easy network data management, 128GB of RAM, 10TB of SSD in RAID setup, and a medium-level NVidia RTX 3060 graphics card. Power backup will be necessary for the uninterrupted sustained attack.
Reconnaissance and Access
System protection protocols
The system has endpoint security to restrict access and malware attack. This also protects the data. The system also has a CISCO network foundation protection (NFP) throughout the system that provides layers for system access through restrictions. The system has an internet protection protocol to prevent outside servers and systems access. It also protects the system from malware, viruses, and botnets. Moreover, it protects the employees and customers from email hacking.
How I will attack
At this level, the main task is to go through the company's employee catalog and identify high-level access employees. After identifying them, it is important to learn their routines to identify one employee who is a weak link and is sloppy with their security protocols. The employee might be from the corporate, management, or information technology department. Once identified, I will use a key-logging virus to gain keystrokes of the employee's access to the system on their laptop.
The key-logging malware will be installed in their system either through a jpeg download of something they love or a hyperlinked message to their phone or laptop. The best way to get them is through messaging apps such as Messenger, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Twitter. To fortify the process, I will introduce phishing to follow up on accessing their credentials bying a one-tap password expiry and recovery message to the crowdfunding website employee. This process is key to gaining access to the system and will require multiple loop attempts until it is successful.
I will attack the CISCO network foundation protection (NFP) to access the system by flooding it with numerous queries and solicitations in a loop. This will lead to a denial of service (DOS) from the system’s end. Moreover, I will fortify this step by taking advantage of the NetBIOS and TCP/IP. Attacks on the network components combined with flooding of the network foundation should overwhelm the system.
Protective measures
The first way to deal with the NFP attach is to have a robust attack detection system such as a Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS). This system will break down hosts into specified logs and detect minuscule actions that can lead to an attack. Additionally, regular CISCO NFP will be necessary to avoid future and new threats to the syst...
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