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What Caused WW1 Happened, And Some Important Plot

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What caused WW1 happened, and some important plot and its result.

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World War I
The First World War was regarded as the bloodiest war in human history, hence earning the name “The Great War.” The causes of the First World War have traces before 1914, a time when Europe was in so much odds that war would have sparked with the slightest confrontation. Some of these factors include militarization, Kaiser wanted to spread the German culture globally and therefore decided to upgrade the German naval force (David). In 1906, he initiated the development of the most powerful naval ships in Europe, this resulted in Britain feeling intimidated and challenged (David). The British government also retaliated by increasing its naval strength. Secondly, alliances were formed; Kaiser in 1879 created an alliance with Austria-Hungary, which then included Italy later, thus forming the Triple Alliance (David). This action did not go well with other countries such as France, which formed an alliance with Russia in 1894 and Britain later joined in 1904, forming the Triple Entente (McMeekin 22). To ensure that the triple entente had control over the pacific ocean, Britain and Japan signed a naval treaty giving the three nations control. Thirdly, Nationalism was a contributor to the war as the populace from each country like Britain, France and Germany hated each other. The British wrote songs that offended the Germans, French politicians hated Germany, and the Germans provoked both countries with their songs (David). Also, the nations that were under monarchy rule such as Serbia, which was under Austria-Hungary wanted independence (David). Another factor is imperialism; countries believed that they were superior beings and they could rule others. This is fueled the rush to colonize Africa, with each imperial power having their strategy. This led to tensions, and was escalated when Kaiser decided to have a portion of Africa for himself (David). Finally, the European governments at this time were mostly corrupt and autocratic, and this led to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
The assassination set off political unrest in Serbia, which entangled international alliances as Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. However, Serbia and Russia had close bilateral relations with each other and therefore Russia came to their aid. Germany gave Russia a proposition, which they declined and thus, Germany declared war on Russia (David). Germany then invaded Belgium and Luxembourg, which were neutral states as they inclined towards France. This action provoked Britain to declare war on Germany; and this marks the point when the trench wars began (Sondhaus 198). During this time, Germany developed several chemicals that were used to overpower its enemies such as Mustard gas and phosgene. This period marked the death of millions of soldiers in the frontline as they attempted to advance towards enemy lines (Sondhaus 201). Other advances included the development of high firepower guns and airplanes that could carry and deliver artillery to the frontline soldiers. However, the trench warfare that was employed on the western front from 1914 to the end of the war is the most significant thing as...
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