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Historical Drama: The Rise Of Hitler, Strength Of A Ram

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Historical drama: The strength of a Ram
My series, called “The strength of a Ram” begins and ends in a little town of Braunau, in Austria. The dramafocuses on the historical events that led to the Second World War and the most significant contributor to the Second World War Adolf Hitler. Born in 1889 and full of revenge for the loss of Germany in the World War I, Adolf Hitler was determined to revenge. The revenge turned out to be the most famous war in the world history with several nations spending all their economic resources to fight each other. Several nations lost their soldiers and millions of civilians. The economic stability of nations across the world was interfered with because of what Adolf Hitler started, the then president of Germany and leader of the Nazi party. The historical life and encounters of Adolf Hitler as a great contributor to the start of the Second World War has been given much attention in this dramatic proposal.
The Rise of Hitler
The devastating economic situation of the European nations after the great war which was commonly referred to as the world war 1 and the several unresolved issues among nations that were affected by the world war I gave rise to one of the world’s most prominent war referred to as the World War II. Adolf Hitler took advantage of the political and economic instability of Germany and rose to power within a very short time. Though an Austrian, he was accepted into the army on August 1914 shortly after the outbreak of the World War I where he was acclaimed for his braveryCITATION Eva08 \p 34 \l 1033 (Evans and Richard, The Third Reich At War 34). He was shocked when Germany surrendered after an alleged betrayal by its leaders. Hitler joined theNationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei which is widely known as NAZI and rose to be one of its leaders CITATION McN09 \p 78 \l 1033 (McNab 78). He was arrested for treason and served nine months in jail for announcing a national revolution to create a new government. Nazi's gains of more power after the great depression provided an excellent opportunity for Hitler to push forward his ideologies. Later, Hitler was appointed a chancellor and later became the president of GermanyCITATION Eva08 \p 34 \l 1033 (Evans and Richard, The Third Reich At War 34). He achieved high power after controlling the arms of the government and quickly began to oppress his opposers leading to the disbanding of other political parties. Hitler took over the armed forces after forcing his war minister, Field Marshal Werner Von Bloomberg to resign over allegations of prostitutions and homosexuality. Thus, Hitler's road to being a great dictator became smooth.
Start of World War II
Before the end of the First World War a Versailles Treaty was signed which Hitler did not agree with its terms because he considered the treaty to be harsh on the side of Germany. With his NAZI party, Adolf Hitler signed a Nonaggression Pact with Japan and Italy as an effort for him to dominate the world.  Obsessed with the Germany superiority, Hitler secretly started rearmament of the Germany troops which was against the Versailles treaty. In the year 1938 he sent his troops to occupy Austria and was not noticed as other nations were busy with their political reforms and economic revival. By late August 1939, Germany had signed a Nonaggression Pact which brought about worry to Great Britain and France. Hitler had long planned for the invasion of Poland and by signing the Pact it meant that the Soviet Union could not attack Germany once he invades Poland. This was a strategic move by Hitler and by September 1st 1939 Germany invaded Poland from the West. Two days after the Poland invasion, France and Britain declared war on Germany; this marked the beginning of the world’s most famous wars in human history, World War II. 
US Joins World War II
The United States of America did not enter the World War II even after the Japanese made an attack on an American fleet in Pearl Harbor in 1941. However, President Franklin Roosevelt started preparing the American army and the civilians citing an inevitable war. Thus, in the following years, America started to develop and manufacture many war rams like tanks and airplanes CITATION Ste12 \p 62 \l 1033 (Steven 62) . Although there were many internal debates on the role of America in the war and whether it should join or not, there were concurrent economic preparations that were made by the government to ensure that the war would be won.
America joined the war after the Congress declared war against Japan. However, three days later the NAZI Germany and Italy drew to the side of Japan and declared war on America. The United States launched several bombs at Germany and its allies CITATION Joh06 \p 147 \l 1033 (John 147). During the period of 1943, there were extensive attacks from the naval, air and land troops from all the states each aiming to gain supremacy over the other. This war led to the massive deaths of people throughout the continents. However, the climax of the war was reached in 1945 when America bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 6th and 8th of 1945 thus forming the basis for the end of the World War II CITATION Eli09 \p 307 \l 1033 (Elin 307). In 1945, the World War II ended after the surrender of Germany on 8th of May CITATION Edw11 \p 113 \l 1033 (Edward 113).
Holocaust Massacre
In 1941, on the 18th of December, Hitler gave an order to exterminate Jews. This order led to the infamous massacre that historians and other scholars commonly refer to the Holocaust CITATION Bau00 \p 11 \l 1033 (Bauer 11).The origin of the holocaust was based on the stereotypical views by the Germans that the Jews were an inferior community as compared to the Germany who were superior and intelligent. By the year 1933 there were over 9 million Jews in the greater Europe. Most of them occupied the regions that Germany had colonized. The NAZI formulated a final solution policy to terminate the Jews whose numbers were increasing in Germany especially from those that were captured in war. They formed ghettos and special killing machines for the Jews in what was adopted as the Final Solution by the NAZI. Among other minority racial communities that were affected by the massacre included 200, 000 Romans and over 200, 000 physically disabled people who were under institutional setting in what was called the Euthanasia Program. The holocaust came to an end when the guards who were guarding the prisoners started a liberation in what was called Death Marches which took place over the European region. The demonstration continued until when the Germans surrendered in May 7 1945.
The Fall of Hitler
One year later, German troops were defeated in the second battle, an issue that very much annoyed Hitler, who distrusted his Army Commander and took over the activities of the army. He made significant errors which led to many damaging consequences, especially for the military. His tactical judgments in the activities of the army coupled with his deteriorating health resulted in the decline of the power of Hitler's governance CITATION Shi60 \p 36 \l 1033 (Shirer 36). By late 1944, enemy armies were advancing towards German and so Hitler made his last tactical move of ordering his commander Felix Steiner to attack the troops in the northern flank. The commander disobeyed the warlord, thus allowing foreign armies to surround Berlin. Even with the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, the unity of the foreign countries did not waver in their quest to attack Hitler. These arising issues made Hitler declare that "everything is lost." He publicly said that he could continue staying in Berlin until he was utterly defeated so that he could take away his life. On the 29th of April of the same year, Hitler married a woman called Eva Braun in a Civic ceremony as Krebs, Burgdorf, Goebbels, and Bormann witnessed. On the second day, the 30th of April 1945 Soviet troops reached about a block away from Hitler’s residence which necessitated the ruler of Germany to shoot himself as Braun bit into a cyanide capsule. Their bodies were carried outside and set on fire.
Importance of the drama
This piece will be one of the most compelling drama pieces to the modern European communities because of the importance of the actual activities that happened to their earlier generations. These events shape the country decisions and the existence of different relationships between various countries in modern Europe. The events described in this piece will be dramatized, but they represent actual historical facts of the activities that started shortly before the World War I and extended afterward.
Most of the people living in the modern countries that make up the European continent are born in the current generation; a generation that never saw the activities unravel in their own eyes. Thus, this drama piece makes them relive the events and moments of the wars that shaped their countries. They virtually see what it was like to live in those periods. But most importantly, they get to interact with one of the most feared warlords of the time, Adolf Hitler. He has been in so many publications throughout Europe, each trying as much as possible to represent the actual life of who he was and what he did to his country. Most people ask themselves, how such a young and humble person could change and become a merciless human being with the aim of eliminating millions of people from the face of the world. All these answers and controversies are put into perspective by the drama piece. Thus, its importance of being informative to the current European country cannot be more over-emphasized.
Cast of characters
Eva Baun: A young lady whom Hitler liked so much and got married to about a day to his death. They had been having an affair which was kept as a secret by Hitler’s personal bodyguards and his servants. She loved him because he was hard working and always hopeful for wins in war. Most importantly, she admired his passion for art. She died next to him.
Dr.Paul Goebbels (Real person, the main character)
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