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World Cinema in the 1990s: The Great Indian Kitchen

Essay Instructions:

Part 1
Please explore online (on YouTube or Vimeo, for example) for a new clip from any film at all through history which you feel displays a good example of a film moment which demonstrates a style, technique, or approach that matches any one of the clips covered in this module.
In a new comment, more than 200 words to explain why you chose that particular clip and how it demonstrates similarities to the clip from the module
Tuni module is mainly about Indian Cinem, Asian Cinem and Iranian Cinem.
Part 2
How do you feel Wong Kar-Wai's use of fast-paced editing and inventive camera work influences the stories he tells?
This does not require the number of words, but it should be written in detail as much as possible.

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Course Code/Title
World Cinema in the 1990s: The Great Indian Kitchen
The great Indian Kitchen (2021) is an Indian cinema featuring an Indian girl newly married in a family with strong cultural beliefs that have always suppressed the place of women in society. Like the norm, the bride moves into her husband’s home and is prepared to get used to the traditions and build her home. However, while her husband and parents-in-law extremely love her, a problem emerges at one point when her mother-in-law is away. She finds herself overburdened with endless house duties that are assumed to be a woman’s chores, differing opinions, and strange traditions. This story of a young woman married to an Indian family captures the challenges of a patriarchal household. It reflects the horrors that have always been experienced by women in their everyday lives (Pandey). I chose this clip that I watched on YouTube since it captures the ...
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