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Essential Dividing Line Between Human Beings around the World

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Please read three uploaded readings before writing. And please only use the readings as resources to finish the essay, do not use or cite any other resources. The further details of the topic of essay are included in the uploaded documents.

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What is the Essential Dividing Line Between Human Beings around the World?
Differences can be observed everywhere, even in the smallest detail. It can also be seen in many different forms, such as personality, point of view, interest, traits, and more. With these differences, the essence of categorizing and differentiating are being maximized. The uniqueness of an individual is also being shown through these concepts. However, still, the unfamiliarity of such differences to other perspectives will initiate questions and arguments. Moreover, until those are brought out in the light, the fundamentals of differences will be defined from different perspectives. For this reading, I am enlightened about how Friedman, Forsyth, and Gelfand view these differences that separate people from others in their perspectives.
In the article, It is a Flat World, Friedman disclosed the world’s opposite opinion than Christopher Columbus’s perspective. For Columbus, the world is to be considered round, but the world is flat for Friedman. Although in his perspective, he is not describing the world flat in a literal way, but rather, he used the world flat to describe the globalization that occurs in the whole world. In his article, he stated that when Nilekani said that the world is flat, Nilekani wanted to tell that India’s considered small countries are globally competitive. To elaborate, with the continuous growth of globalization and innovation of the economy, countries have been striving hard to develop their capabilities to fight globally. He stated that different countries are continuously evolving, that the ones who are considered big countries can now be seen equally to those who are small before. Although these changes can positively result, demerits in globalization can also be seen in his article. Nevertheless, the possibility that these changes which continue to happen will flatten the world into an equal world that will provide equal opportunities.
On the other hand, Forsyth’s Theresa May’s new third-way article shows the differences in politicians’ views. He named in his article some famous politicians in the countries of America, France, and Britain. His article’s main focus was Theresa May, a Prime Minister of Britain and is ten years older than David Cameron. From May’s perspective, she views globalization from a new perspective rather than the other politicians like Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen. May’s strategy was to let nationalists and globalists coexist and construct a third way to connect these two perspectives. She delivers to a bridge to promote peaceful communication between these two parties. That she would change their thinking that only one of these two can be on the top. Although this dream way can be achieved with their cooperation and the long process is determined to take place for such results, May and her followers still believe that this dream can turn into reality.
Lastly, culture was the focus of Gelfand in his article titled Here’s the science behind the Brexit vote and Trump’s rise. In his perspective, there are two categorizations of cultures that reflect the differences of every country. The first category is what he called tight culture where he defined as having “strong norms and little tolerance for deviance” (Gelfand). He stated that the countries of Singapore and Japan are one example of such cultures. In Singapore, there are strict rules that Singaporeans should follow and abide by. The same goes for Japan. Such strict rules run their culture and healthy norms and the continuous exposure to threats, even in the slightest form. Simultaneously, the other category would be the opposite of it, which is the loose culture. He defined loose culture as a concept in which rules and strict norms are not being followed. Threats are not that often given, and freedom and openness are the strengths of it. Countries such as the United States and Brazil are an example of such cultures.
It’s a Flat World, After All
In my perspective, the most profound insight about the world between these three articles would be the...
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